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Assistant Engineer's log

Not bad, for my first day on the job. Currently we're pillaging the Cait homeworld for the glory of the Terran Empire. Finally got to take my weapon out and really it, not just fire at paper targets. If I was Security, I'd get to carry my gun everywhere, not just on away missions... Not that I'm complaining. *sarcasm* After all, what could be better than climbing through greasy pipes to put bits of broken machinery back together? We got a couple of rebels, claiming what we were doing was evil. One tried to kill me. Twice. The moron missed twice... The idiot barely even dizzied Commander Moore when he thwaped him with his pistol butt. And he calls himself a warrior. He has an appointment with the pain booth now, the little bugger. He and his little accomplices. Might always triumphs over 'right'. *Comm beep, muttered conversation* I have to go repair one of the protein resequencing units on deck C. Connor out

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