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=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #359, STARDATE 50505.09 =/\=

The Manticore has just finished a battle with a Sovereign

dreadnaught, the Liberator, that was at the center of a

plot to attack the Federation from within. Manticore was able

to protect a secret meeting of the Federation Council on a

deep space freighter, by an array of sneaky and ingenious

methods. One of those was NOT the Admiral's secret mission

to the enemy ship to kill it's commander. The Admiral is now

fighting for survival in Sickbay (although Security did dispatch

the enemy Commodore with a knife). The badly-damaged

Manticore is now being towed to Starbase 9 where the crew

will rest, as the Starbase's command crew, while the ship is

repaired. No further details have been offered to the crew.

=/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #359, STARDATE 50505.09 =/\=


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