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Inconsiderate Inconsistencies

Duty Log April 16, 2155

Lt.jg Dave Grey



The away team certainly found itself in quite a quandary. According to his sensor link—or lack thereof—the shuttle had apparently lost power. Upon further investigation, Grey ascertained that the most likely cause of the shuttle’s power loss was some sort of dampening field. He doubted it was a natural phenomenon, but even if it was they still needed some way of circumventing it.


Even if the away team could locate the object of their quest, how would they get back home? Grey knew that it would be up to the science and engineering department to figure that out. A shuttlepod would be useless, it would just lose power. And he doubted the accuracy of the transporter, especially given this dampening field. Grey sighed and looked blankly at the readings on his console. They would have to find the source of this dampening field and either eliminate or disrupt it.

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