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Finding the Pieces to Our Past

Ziggy floated in the strange place, watching memories zoom past him and around him like holovids. Some he remembered, others he had to concentrate on. He could see himself, but he didn't remember the scenes he saw flashing by. He wanted to stop them, look closer, but he was distracted by the sudden appearance of a lightening bolt floating in front of him.


Then the bolt was not in front of him, but inside him. It was the strangest sensation. He knew that he was still Ziggy, but he was suddenly not Ziggy. His conciousness was pushed to the side, something else was controlling his physical actions. As his body walked down the hall he could tell the entity was searching him.. his body, his memories, his personality. The scarring on his face from having it ripped off a melting console that Starfleet Medical could never repair, the scars along his shoulder and back from plasma burns, his sugically repaired knee and back. Old wounds were knitted and healed, he knew they would never hurt again. Yet when it got to his face, the entity stopped at merely smoothing out the rough edges. Somehow it knew that Ziggy had learned to live with his mangled face, and would not be who he was if his face was healed.


They.. Ziggy was no longer himself, but twinned with the entity.. came around a corner and found LoAmi. Ziggy heard his voice speaking to Lo'AMi, but it was if it were a long way off. As they continued to move down hallways and through the ship, Ziggy could feel the entity continuing to search through him. Then they were in engineering, and he knew what was wrong. But the entity inside him couldn't find the right words to tell Lo'Ami what was wrong, and with no control over his body or voice, Ziggy couldn't either.


After a fashion, the entity knew Ziggy was trying to help as well, and gave him some control back over his body. As he and Lo'Ami worked to repair the ship, Ziggy found memories long repressed and forgotten suddenly as strong as if they had just happened. He continued to help the entity inside with the job at hand, but was overcome with the emotions brought up at the memories. Ziggy never noticed them phase in and out with the Arcadia, he was too distracted.


As he felt the entity leave him, there was a message in his head.. "Go find them, and bring them home."


Suddenly he was standing in the Arcadias engineering section, dazed and confused, and he knew it wasn't from the knock on his head, that was all healed. The towel with the loud print was now a soft blue, and faintly glowing. He heard Lo'Ami speaking, then saw him using a console. It was all so confusing.


"Sensors are online. There is a starfield, one ship, and one planet...."


Ziggy knew were they where, and why. The Vogarts, using his mind, had sent him to take care of unfinished business. As Lo'Ami approached, Ziggy looked at him.


"Kelly..." And then he slipped to the floor, out cold.


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