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"Blowing Up Type Issues of Concern"

March 30, 2397

Midshipman M’rrett “Kansas” JoN’s, Assistant Security / Tactical Officer

USS Agincourt NCC-81762

Personal Log – “Dang these blowing up type issues of concern. ”


Kansas sat at the console in the Main Security office trying to ignore the incessant blinking of the Yellow Alert beacon. This had turned out to be a rather interesting duty shift.


The Agincourt is now on Yellow Alert for unknown reasons. At least for the personnel below decks it is an unknown reason. The Head Chief obviously knows all about the situation judging by the fact that he made the announcement for all department heads to report to the ready room. She was hoping that the situation was not a serious one – a thought that flew out the observation port when Chief Robair entered the security offices, fresh from the meeting.


Robair spoke crisply to his Caitian security officer. “Kansas, I need a report on the defense capabilities for Pax Primus. I need it ASAP and be discreet.” Be discreet and ASAP - bad word combination. Together, it always means trouble is ahead. Then again that could be the security paranoia talking. She acknowledged the order, trying not to appear curious. A few minutes later, the information needed had been located.


It seemed that Pax Primus had four defensive satellites and an eastern colony that contained – a communications relay? The satellites were operated by rotating Rihannsu/Starfleet personnel in the eastern colony, and the defenses were based on coding. No ship could enter or leave the space of Pax Primus without the necessary codes to transmit to the satellites. Otherwise the satellites would activate and blast at anything in violation (or what they perceived as a violation) of the Pax Primus space. And as far as the public was considered, Primus had only the joint Rihannsu/Federation scientific research colony on the western side of the planet. The communications colony was a factor known only to Starfleet and the Rihannsu.


A secret communications relay hidden in plain site, a planet located within the former neutral zone, some kind of problem to warrant sending the Agincourt, and defensive satellites that could ring the Agincourt’s bell. Okay, going back to security paranoia now.


After downloading the data to a padd, Kansas then delivered it to Robair. The chief contacted the captain after perusing the information. Then, Kansas managing to overhear…..oh, who was she kidding? She hovered (Caitians hover, never skulk. Well, okay, skulking is doable too.) near the Chief’s desk to try and get some information when Robair contacted Captain Davies. From what she could gather, something was definitely wrong at Primus.


J.P. came down to the offices to help with the tactical aspects of whatever problems may be encountered when Pax Primus is reached, based on what Kansas could gather from the conversation between the TAC officer and Robair.


Say, tactical maneuvers to avoid getting the Agincourt blown out of space? There is something inherently wrong with having this worry about being blown up less then a week after launch. The paint’s not even DRY yet. We haven’t even had fun yet with the MVAM.


Dang these blowing up type issues of concern.

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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