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A Beautiful Sound...

a log by LtJg Javin Prell


<Begin Recording.>


Javin sat back in his office in Main Engineering. It was a nice step up from the small nook of monitors he had called his own on the Journey. PADDs full of reports and simulation were already beginning to pile up on his desk, and they had just launched! Javin sat back in his chair and listened closely. The hum of the engines and equipment was one that he had always enjoyed, but this hum was different. More full. He smiled, and opened his eyes, looking out his window. Some crewmen were busy with the work he had assigned this shift. Even though they had done many tests and the like before they launched, he wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. Murray had already gone through the Auxiliary Engineering rooms, and had reported all was in good shape.


Javin stepped out into Engineering, and paused to take it all in. He had finally gotten what he has always wanted, and it was just perfect...


<End Recording.>

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