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Cmdr Ridire

A Memory Held Onto

Tell me what you're thinking of

Tell me if you love me not

I have so much I long to ask you

But now the chance has gone

When your picture fades each day

In my heart the memory stays

--The Words I Feel by J. Hogg



Aidan sets the bottle and glass down on the low table next to the couch in his quarters before stretching out on the couch and staring out at the stars. He reaches for the glass and drains it halfway. Putting the glass down he refills it before reaching for a picture and examining it.


The picture shows three young humans...well mostly human. Two of the people, the two young men, are dressed in the gold Starfleet uniforms and both have the rank pips of Lieutenants. One of them is, despite the shorter cut hair, quite obviously a young Aidan Ridire and the other is a silver haired and silver eyed young man that looks to be the same age as Aidan. The other person, a young female, is wearing a blue Starfleet uniform and her rank is of Lieutenant junior grade. All three are smiling and seem not to have a care in the world on their young faces. Her arms are around the necks of the two young men.


Aidan sighs sadly and murmurs "I'm sorry Fiona but I'm no closer to finding out who murdered you and your ship or why. But I will find the person or persons responsible someday, I promise you that. No matter what it takes or who I have to go through. For your own peace...as well as my own."


He closes his eyes and tries to keep the tears from falling. As he does so his memories flash before his eyes, memories of the times he spent on the USS Venture mixed with the memory of Fiona lying dead on the bridge of the USS Cairo.



First we touch, and we hurt each other

Then we tear our hearts apart

We are too close and I can feel the pain

Fill my empty heart

Is this pain too much for me

Can I stay the same

When this pain consumes my heart

Will I be able to hold on to my soul

--Pain by J. Hogg

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