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Cptn Moose

Captain Christopher T. Moose


Crew Information

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Authorized Personnel Only



Name: Moose, Christopher T.

Rank: Captain

Race: Human

Planet of Origin: Earth

Sex: Male

Age: 45

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 160 lbs.


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Moose is an only child who was born on Earth in 2336.  He was raised single-handedly by his mother and never knew his father.  He was born in Alaska where he lived with his aunt, her husband and their only child, Moose's cousin Bill.  Moose's uncle was a civilian strategist who assisted Starfleet with various situations and spent a lot of time off planet.  When Moose's aunt died in 2337, he and his mother moved to Midwest America.


Moose graduated from North American University in 2357, where he studied Logistics and Computer Science.  His mother wanted him to join Spacefleet immediately after graduation, just like his cousin Bill had done.  Instead, Moose accepted a position with the Earth office of the Astral V Historical Society.  He supervised the clerical staff in the development of their catalog of acquisitions, and developed a love of alien culture and archeology.


For years, his mother continued to regale him with stories of his cousin's adventures in space.  He was constantly subjected to "Bill rescued the colonists on Nervala IV," and "Bill got a free trip to Betazed," and "Bill was asked to be Captain of the USS Drake, but he turned them down."  Finally, Moose had enough of Earth.  He entered Starfleet Academy on Stardate 9409.11.


At the academy, Moose became an apprentice of Professor T'Cher, who trained Moose in the Vulcan mental defense disciplines.  A brief and painful affair with an empathic metamorph had left Moose with a vehement distrust of telepathic abilities.  He was determined never to fall prey to them again.  T'Cher did not normally take on non-Vulcan disciples, but thought Moose showed an amazing aptitude, "For a human."


Moose graduated Starfleet Academy on Stardate 9410.02 with a major in Alien Psychology, and a minor in Military Strategy.  He was posted immediately on board the USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-C, where he quickly rose to the position of Chief of Security.


Early in his career, Moose was relieved of duty by a covert Starfleet Intelligence Operative, for organizing a mutiny against the Captain and First Officer.  After breaking out of jail and seizing the bridge in an armed attack, Moose was able to obtain evidence that the Arcadia's command staff had been compromised by the same parasites that had previously infested Spacefleet Command.  All charges were dropped.


While assigned to dispose of the debris from the destruction of the USS Enterprise, Moose kept a damaged shuttle in orbit around Veridian III long enough for the rest of its crew to beam out.  His attempt to then land the shuttle was not as successful.  He sustained serious injuries from the crash and still has a scar near his left eyebrow.


Moose was once called upon to give the order by which the entire planet Jania VII was destroyed.  The Janians had developed into a telepathic collective whose influence could reach light years beyond their system.  The essence of Ronan, the Janian chancellor, had infused itself in Moose's mind.  Moose became one with the Jania and understood how easily they could assimilate the galaxy.  Understanding that quarantine would be ineffective in containing the Jania to their home world, Moose did what was necessary to protect the Federation.


On several occasions, the crew of the Arcadia encountered duplicate beings from a mirror universe.  Moose led an intelligence mission to infiltrate the ISS Arcadia.  While returning to the USS Arcadia, dimensional interference from the other ship caused the transporter to create a duplicate copy of Moose.  One Moose seemed to retain the harsh paranoia that had developed through his career.  The other Moose was more stable emotionally.  Feeling caught up in the political / military regime of the fleet, he determined to renew his interest in alien cultures which had first brought him into space.  He left his duties on board the Arcadia to his duplicate and returned to the Astral V Historical Society.


The other Moose was promoted to First Officer, and ultimately became Captain of the Arcadia.  A psionic amplifier from the ISS Arcadia had given him telepathic abilities, which almost drove him insane as he attempted to deal with them.  Later, he was devolved to infancy in a biological experiment.  When he was re-evolved to adulthood, his body returned to its normal state as determined by his DNA.  He was in perfect physical shape and the scar from Veridian III was gone, but so were his psychic abilities.


Captain Moose went on to thwart the testing of the "Revelation Device" in Federation space.  This weapon destroyed all traces of life within it detonation wave, and was created by a governing body known as "The Coalition."  Coalition space is three months past Romulan space, at maximum warp, in the far reaches of the Beta Quadrant.  Believing the Coalition to be a greater threat than anyone imagined, Captain Moose accepted a position as the first Federation Ambassador to Paktar, capital planet of Coalition space.  Coalition data is highly classified.  Other than an encrypted request to be named legal guardian of Dana Quest's cousin David, who stowed away with him to Paktar, nothing has been heard from Ambassador Moose in months.


After the commissioning of the Sovereign class Arcadia-E, Moose emerged from his retirement at the Astral V Historical Society to accept his own posting as Captain of the Arcadia.  


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Wow Moose!! I had forgotten what a colorful character you are!!!

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 He forgot to include the time HE & Bree Sullivan switched consciousness, but then ofcourse the TWO of them kept it pretty quiet. Isn't THAT when you "dated" Telano?




Zel the Retired

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Why Zel, whatever do you mean?  I think you have me confused with Ambassador Moose.   ::o:

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