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thought it was gonna be a slow day

Medical Officer Miranda Porter

stardate 0502.13



Miranda watched everyone in sickbay as she quietly stood up and slipped into one of the back labs. She needed a moment. As she sat down on the floor by herself she thought this was suppose to be an easy day. It wasn't going that way so far. There was an upsetting letter from her mother, once she got to sickbay she had to things weren't looking up. She had tried to calm down the blind helmsmen who had knocked over half of sickbay, then there was the engineer yelling about the voices in his head, not to mention the medical emergency. And if that wasn't enough she had talked back to Dr Knlwtchr, she felt so stupid. Something was going on, people seemed to be loosing their minds and the sickbay crew couldn't figure out why. In fact she felt as if she were loosing it. As she sat looking at the floor she started to tell herself "keep it together....why can't I do this, I was an actress I know my emotions, heck I trained as a counselor. This is not you, get it together" she kept repeating it to herself as she started to cry. It frustrated her she yelled in her head "stop it stop it now, you need to get back to work. Control yourself and help people. That's your job" She forced herself to stop crying as she stood up. Suddenly she felt dizzy. She braced herself on the nearest table as she waited for it to pass.

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