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STSF Precip

Flight Risk

Personal Log

Lt Cdr Precip

Chief of Security

USS Manticore


The Admiral has ordered a shuttle to investigate an area of "NOTHING"

tailing the USS Hawk in the Ships of the Line formation honoring those who fell

at Wolf 359. Given our original orders for attending the ceremony, the chance of

someone starting an incident within Starfleet or with another Government forces

us to take a look.


The Admiral's plan is to use our Phase Cloak equipped shuttle to investigate the

area aft of the Hawk. By using the Phase Cloaked shuttle we can gather information

on the area of "NOTHING" behind the USS Hawk without anyone knowing Manticore

launched a shuttle. The Phase Cloak operation, Precip believed would be performed

as followed:


The PC shuttle would activate it's Phase Cloak inside Manticore's Shuttlebay. Once

activated it would depart, "Phasing" through the closed shuttlebay doors.

It would then manuever to whatever is behind the USS Hawk, gather sensor data and

fly back to the Manticore "Phasing" through the closed shuttlebay doors

and land.

If the Phase Cloak works nonone would even realize Manticore had launched a shuttle.


The last thought of course was the entire problem with the Admiral's idea: IF the

Phase Cloak worked. Chief Engineer Garnoopy made it quite clear the device was

still in a testing stage. From what I had gathered the first test of the device

went well but not perfect. I am inclined to agree with Chief Garnoopy that we cannot

use the device on an operational basis yet. I did suggest another mission profile

using our "Tugboat" alias sending a service shuttle around the Hawk..to

"bump" into the anamoly. The Flaw with that idea of course is that the

shuttle and the wayward pilot would be traced to Manticore, who's CO happen's to

be an Admiral; quite unusual for a "Space Tug".


I imagine the Chief Engineer has the best idea what would happen if the Phase Cloak

failed. The Flight risk to the crew of the shuttle involved in this mission is high.

However, the Admiral has made it quite clear that he wants to get to the bottom

of the "NOTHING" Tailing the USS Hawk.


End Log

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