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STSF Precip

How to Proceed SD 50501.02

Joint Log by LtCdr's Mele, Precip, and Rogét


Kyle walked behind the desk and motioned to the chairs for the others to sit. Margaux walked over and sat down, “Do you think he'll leave us alone?” nodding toward the door.




“I certainly hope the doctor would respect my right to privacy for a counseling session,” Mitar said as he took his seat next to Margaux. “Isn't that in the Hippocratic oath, Doctor Mele?”




Kyle settled into his own chair, nodding to Precip, “I think we'll be fine, at least for now, Margaux.”




Mitar’s voice took a more serious tone, “Doctor, I believe it’s best that you lead the discussion on this matter.”




“Of course. We're here to discuss the options available to us concerning Admiral Atragon’s recent,” he paused searching the right word, “hmm … outburst.” Precip looked over at Margaux and then back to Kyle.




“I never told him, that Admiral, of the implant. Regardless of our past … history, that was one item that I could not tell him about.” She glanced at Mitar and the locked her eyes with Kyle, “I couldn't tell anyone about it. You stumbled upon it after I was injured.”



Kyle nodded, “I was the only one on board who knew about the implant, and as you said, I only knew because of your injury. As far as I'm concerned that information then became protected under the doctor-patient privilege.



A look of confusion crossed Mitar’s face, “So then how did the Admiral come to possess this protected information?




Margaux closed her green eyes and let out a small sigh, “Mitar I have a very long, and jaded history in black ops.” She saw Kyle settle back into his chair and gave him a slight smile, “However, I won't bog you down with mundane details.”




Mitar held up his hand, “There is no need to divulge anything more that what is needed, Margaux. The Admiral then has access to your entire career files?”




“Career files? No, Mitar. I don't know if there is such a thing in black ops, but if there is only one man has that kind of access to my history, and I trust him with my life. I first met the Admiral over ten years ago.” She glanced and Kyle and saw him close his eyes. They had talked before about her past with Atragon, yet it still touched a nerve. “We were …involved.”




Mitar looked at Kyle and then to Margaux, the uncomfortable nature of the conversation visible on his blue face.




“I'm sure you remember the name, Melville?” she asked looking at Mitar. He nodded in the affirmative. Every one knew the name.”




“I was working undercover, at a place called Lincoln Outpost, on Proxima Centauri for Melville, undercover. My job was compartmentalize the scientific work on biogenic chemicals to be used as warfare agent. That is how I met the Admiral. He was, at the time, the XO of the USS Aries and in charge of delivering the chemical supplies to the outpost. Like any relationship, brief meetings turned into longer meetings. Longer meetings turned into lunch or dinner … or breakfast.” She stopped and took a sip from the glass of water Kyle had put out of her.




The scientists never knew what they were working on, but Melville and I did. The Admiral may be a lot of things, but he is not stupid. He managed to put enough of the pieces together and confronted me. I loved him. I told him the truth and the situation brought us closer together, but even then I couldn't tell him of my past or my ... modifications.”




Kyle and Mitar exchanged glances.




“Melville, somehow knew of these … modifications and kept detailed records of his personnel. Perhaps it was his way to ensure we stayed loyal, or at least wouldn't expose what he was doing.” Margaux frowned, the painful memories etching her features. “Somehow Melville found out about my involvement with the Admiral and our plans to expose Melville’s biological warfare production. We were going to escape. Run away together. We were going to give up our lives in Star Fleet and Black ops and find some distant paradise … “ Margaux’s voice trailed off. She looked down at her hands clenched together and swallowed hard.




But he did find out. He told me that the outpost had been compromised, our mission exposed. I was to stay and ensure that the scientists got off the planet. Then I was to destroy any evidence of our work, “ the word came out dripping with sarcasm.




What I didn't know is that Melville was setting up his ultimate revenge against me and the Admiral. He left me there to die. You can look up the destruction of the outpost in Star Fleet records. The official story is that Romulans attacked the outpost, but really it was the USS Aries, Atragon’s ship, that destroyed the outpost. I was to die and it was to be by Atragon’s hand.”




Mitar stared at Margaux, taking in all the information. Margaux smiled at him, “It seems however, that I survived.” She looked over at Kyle and smiled.



”I assumed a new identity and thanks to my cranial implant all my memories were suppressed. I couldn't contact the Admiral because I had no memory of him. That’s one of the amazing things of the implant. Because of the memory suppression, there was no way I could put myself or Atragon in any further danger. I had no memories of my past or of my time with the Admiral when I was posted to the Manticore. My only memories were those of being Margaux Rogét.


”And how did the Admiral come to possess this knowledge?’ Mitar asked trying to put al the pieces together.




“When Melville ... died, the Admiral obtained access to his records. That's how he found out about me, or who I was.”




“And your implant as well?




“I would have to assume so, Mitar. I never told Atragon. It had to be in Melville's records. As I said, I never even told Kyle.”



Mitar turned to Kyle, “If I may ask Doctor, when did you become aware of the Counselor's memory suppressing device?




Kyle closed his eyes, taking himself back to the accident were Margaux was nearly electrocuted, <insert comments/thoughts here>.




“It’s more than memory suppression, Mitar,” Margaux interrupted.




“What?” Mitar said in a surprised voice.




“It also enhances fight or flight capabilities. You know, enhanced hearing, sight, speed. Increased pain tolerance. All for self preservation should an operative become captured.”




“Hence you were quite a choice for Security Chief,” Mitar remarked.




Kyle nodded and Margaux gave him a sly smile, “Yes, but you have to remember, at the time I didn't know I possessed such, um, talents. I didn't know anything except that I was Margaux Chéri Rogét, beloved youngest child of Pierre and Marie Rogét of New Orleans. However, now, everything has changed. The Admiral has exposed me, or at least opened a very nasty can of worms. Cranial implants are not, if I recall, Star Fleet standard issue and we have some very curious individuals on this crew that won't hesitate to start digging for more information.”




“Of course all of this is classified, in addition to being in your medical records. Is that correct?” Mitar asked.




Margaux shook her head and looked to Kyle. “It was never officially listed anywhere,” he said. “After I discovered it, I saw no reason to try and explain why there was no previous mention of it.




“We have to remember,” Margaux said quietly, “when I was assigned to Manticore, the Admiral had no idea as to who I was. My memories were suppressed then and even after they were, unlocked, so to speak I had no intention of telling him of my identity.” She looked at Kyle, her green eyes saddened, “I really am taken aback by his vehemence and hatred toward me.”



The three sat there quietly for a moment, letting their conversation sink in. Mitar squared himself in the chair, sitting up straighter, “This sounds more of an Intelligence matter now than medical. Yet, that implant is part of you physically and mentally I

suppose. How can it not be deemed personal?”




“It is a gray area as far as policy is involved,” Kyle replied leaning back in his chair, “which is why

we're having this meeting. There is no set-in-stone procedure to follow during times like this because, frankly, there aren't supposed o be times like this.”



Mitar pursed his blue lips, “His superior has to be informed of this. If we take no action...matters could get worse. I doubt the Consul General would want anything like this being made public in the Black Ops community. It would be handled by herself only I would believe, but who..would inform the Consul General?”



”The bigger question, Mitar ... do we trust the Consul General? Black Ops is a world unto itself.”



”Something has to be done Margaux. We can't just allow this kind of thing to happen onboard. The ship will turn into an environment ruled by fear of something about someone being discovered and mentioned.”



Margaux slumped back into her chair, looking at Kyle, “It's always been pretty easy to know what to do, but now ... I don't know what to do.”




Kyle nodded, “I'm not sure which of us is the right one to take the information to the Consul General.




“I don't think it’s something for just one of us to bring to her attention. Perhaps there is way for each of us to speak with her,” Margaux said quietly.




“I have to agree with you there, Margaux, each of us has an area that pertains to the situation.”




Mitar nodded, “Strength in numbers.” He looked at the chronometer. “I believe, Doctor, that it’s best to write me up on a physical. My time window to be off the Bridge is almost up.”




Kyle picked up a PADD marking off the Chief of Securities physical, “Say ‘ahhh’ Chief.

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