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HoD Bch

Qob Missions

0411.30: After discovering that Qunjalth was Bch’s grandfather’s third wife’s son, Bch heads to the council halls to find him and question his integrity. She notifies Messner who has just returned with the boys from Earth and has entered the halls. She meets them in the halls as the celebration of the Qob continues, and they begin to search for Qunjalth. Meanwhile, the boys inadvertently stumble into his chambers where he quickly seizes them and the opportunity to peg off more Bch descendants. Messner and Bch follow their gagh trail and enter the chamber to see Qunjalth ready to kill the boys. Messner engages him in a fight while Bch drags the boys out of the way. Messner kills Qunjalth and gains the honor of the Klingon Council, and is offered Qunjalth’s former seat. Wishing to serve on the Qob, Messner recommends Mnstral take his Bch seat while he is gone, and the council agrees that she will serve.


0411.23: The crew of the Qob arrives on QonoS and the Council halls to report in. Koralev undergoes the Rite of Ascension and is now a son of Konath. (He then is taken to the House of Konath to recover and Kwalus is called in to operate on hom). The crew celebrates his passage.


0411.16: The Bches delve into the history files of Qunjalth, in hopes of finding out why he would be behind the assassination attempts. K Walus gets reacquainted with her son and shows him their land. Angie and Daryus make plans to get married.


0411.09: New orders are sent out to crew. Report date is 11.23. Departure date is 11.30.


0411.02: Messner has left with the sons for Earth. K had a talk wth her son asking him to join her. Him being mad at her for leaving him when he was young, He has to think about her proposal.


0410.26: The mysterious sniper fires again, this time missing Bch. She quickly catches him and ties him up. Messner returns from hunting and joins in trying to pry the truth out of him. He eventually gives in and reveals that councilman Qunjalth hired him to kill all the Bches.


K Walus finally got tp her son after he won his battle at the tournament.


0410.19: The Bch Family cleans up the house of K’tort’s belongings, and then goes hunting to get fresh un-poisoned meat.


KWalus was still trying to get in the building to meet her son.


0410.12: After the doctor confirms a cheap Ferengi poison and administers the antidote to all, Messner presents Ktort to Mnstral for her to kill. He is untied and in the fight that ensues, she pierces him through the heart with her dagger. He is then dragged out of the kitchen and unceremoniously left near the woods for the vultures to pick. Mnstral’s wounds are stapled and the family celebrates with their best bloodwine.


K walus went to the arena to see her son. After her son won his match, she went to congratulate him but was blocked by a guard. She was informed that she was not allowed to go to see her son. Also that she could not be his mother that his mother left him long ago. She decided that no one was going to tell her she could not see her son, and proceeded to exit the arena and look for a back entrance to see her son anyway.


0410.05: The hunting party is unharmed by the bomb. Jay is still bald. Ktort is hogtied and dragged to the house. Scans of their last meal reveal the poison Ktort planted. An old Klingon doctor is summoned for Mnstral while household guards are sent to search for the bomber. Bch and Messner decide to beat the information out of Ktort as well as poison him with his own poison so he too will need the antidote. He THEN reveals that the need for an antidote is a lie. Instead he has used a two-part poison of Romulan origin. We begin to suspect he is still lying. The old doctor arrives at the house while Ktort remains at knifepoint by Messner.


After patrolling her grounds, Kwalus returns to her house. There she has a message from her brother telling her that her son was playing in a tournament today and if she wanted to speak to him she may want to go there. She does and watches him win the first round.

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