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Personal log, Stardate 0411.23:


Well, this kitty is married again. Never thought I'd see the day. The wedding was very beautiful. Angie had a white flowing wedding gown and I a white tux with purple trim. Angie asked my daughter Janie to be her maid of honor.. She wore the cutest white maids dress. The temple was decorated with white and purple roses and my father even broke down and wore a white tux. After the cerimony, the party moved to the top of the Seattle space needle. Plenty of food, wine, and dancing. We left for our honeymoon that night on a transport to Cait, and spent the next few day's at my family's summer home in the Sh'rasha Provence. According to Caitian tradition (my father's only insistance about the wedding), the entire pride spent our honeymoon with us. I saw relative's I hadn't seen in over 20 years. The house was packed, so Angie and I didn't get to spend much alone time together. She had fun, even playing a few game's of Rr'naaanya (Caitian paddleball) with Janie. I was glad to see them getting close. After the honeymoon, we boarded a transport to Qo'nos to meet up with our shipmate's. Angie seemed rather destracted during the trip. I asked her about the quarters situation, who was going to move in with who and she was a little snippy with me about it. Something is troubling her. I know we didn't get any alone time. In Caitian tradition the honeymoon is spent with family, even everyone sleeping in one large den. The couple actually "honeymoon" alone after the initial family bonding. But, something else is on her mind. When we reached Qo'nos and got off the transport I saw Random. It was nice to see her and young Presley again. We found the council chamber's and were greeted by a sight. Koralev was undergoing the Klingon Right of Assention. I've only seen the cerimony done once before for Shara's brother M'lok. Koralev looked awful, bleeding and bruised. He started down the row of Klingon's, each jabbing him with their painsticks. I felt proud of him, he barely hollered out. When the right was done, Konath pronounce him a Klingon warrior and his son. Boris was given the robe and sash of the house of Konath and promply fell to the floor. Kwalus ran to him and called for a Qel'. A security officer brought her a med kit and she went to work on him. I moved Angie off to the side out of the way and she asked if I was going to help Kwalus. I remembered that I had helped Dr. Garnoopy perform surgery before to save Boris' life after he was stabbed. I walked up to Kwalus and offered my assistance. She handed me a hypo to ease his pain, and we went to work on the new warrior. More later.



Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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