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Let's get ready to rumble!!

Engineer's log, Sep 17, 2154:

Well, my stomach feel's much better thanks to the care of the lovely Dr. Willow. She gave me a stern warning not to eat anything until the science people checked it out. After the talking to I had with that unfortunate Acamarian rose bush, I wholeheatedly agreed with her. I made my way out to the shuttlepod's. The science team was loading everything the landing party had scavenged. I started reading the report and got a pleasant suprise. The team had found Acamarian version's of crabs and crawfish. I asked Walker about it and he told me that they were bringing a larg quantitiy back to the ship. My thoughts raced to crawfish boil's and seafood platters. I'm gonna have to see if chef know's how to cook Cajun. As, Westler and I were helping load up the shuttlepod's, Cmdr Moore and Moose walked into camp with an Acamarian male and an uncomfortably large group of Acamarians. I'm no xenosociologist, but I gathered he was a leader because of the way he dressed and walked. He saw the woman Marks accidentaly injured and became enraged. It seems she was a member of a rival clan. Moore and Moose tried to calm the situation, but the clan leader accused our group of siding with his enemies. He said there was only one way to settle it, a fight to the death. I was shocked, but Moose suprised everyone by actually agreeing to it and choosing Moore as our champion. I started thinking we were all dead untill I saw the glimmer in my commander's eye's. I chocked back a laugh. Moore was going to compete in an old college game mixing drunkeness and arm wrestling. A group of us started making wager's to the outcome and sat back smoking cigars quite enjoying ourselves. Moore of course won after our guest passed out in a drunken stupor. We packed everything up and returned to the ship. Not too bad for our first contact, not too bad at all. More later.




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