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Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air...

Assistant science officer's personal log, stardate 50410.21.

I sat on a rock for what seemed like hours. We talked just a couple of times, I didn't know him, but I still considered him a friend. And now? He's dead. So I sat on my favourite rock to think it over. And after sitting there for a while it occured to me. S'aar can't be as nice as he wants us to believe. Sure, he's holding us here, but until now he didn't try to hurt anyone. And to the naked eye he didn't. But one has to ask himself... Why did S'aar always come when we asked for him and now didn't? Why did S'aar grant this particular admiral's wish? Why did he let Precip die if admiral stated that we need pain an danger? He apparently knows what we are thinking. So why did he do it? The answer is quite simple. He saw it can benefit him. No one wants to serve us. This is probably just an elaborate experiment to see how we can survive trapped... and what will happen with the crew. What happens if there is an incident? Would the crew judge the man responsible? Will they, in a lot of time, even return to the brutal natural laws? The S'aar doesn't know that. So he granted the admiral's request and made the soil ready for the first seeds of discord. Wanting us to become enemies. He seemingly has nothing to do with it, but why didn't he answer our calls to help commander Precip? Not nice, mr. S'aar, not nice. It also seems a rather interesting coincidence that it's Precip who died. He talked to mr. Tovan about his theories. Maybe they were a bit to close to the truth and he wanted to make an example... This is, of course, pure speculation... I don't KNOW anything about this matter. But one thing is certain. Precip's death was no coincidence.

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