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Answer's and bread pudding

Personal log, Stardate 0410.13


Well, it's been about 9 hours and Angie is still sleeping. I checked on her and she was lying on her side snoring into her pillow. Wonder what was in that tea. Lt. Koralev was still on my mind as I sat and ate some gumbo. My mother tried to help me find out what was going on, but got the same runaround from Admiral Wolfe's office that I did. I sat thinking as I nibbled on a peice of ocra. Then the thought hit me, councilman Grath. If anyone could tell me what happened to Koralev, it would be my old friend. Grath was a member of the Klingon High Council. I had dated his daughter Shara in high school, and he and I had gotten close. He made me my bat'leth and taught me how to use it. I got on my commlink and called him. He was happy to hear that I and the Qob had made it back safely. He also told me that Shara had bonded to a Klingon starship captain. I was sorry I had missed their bonding. I asked Grath if he knew anything about Lt Koralev. He told me that he heard that Councilman Konath had traveled to Earth to plead Koralev's case after learning the young officer was going to be drummed out of Starfleet for the murder of the Vort's engineers. Konath was returning to Qo'nos with Koralev. It seem's that Boris was going to become the first human to ever become a Klingon warrior. I laughed. I was glad he was going, but unsure how the human would fare in the emperial fleet. I'm going to have to look him up sometime's. I can't seem to picture the young Russian in full battle armour, swinging a bat'leth. I finished my gumbo and got some dessert, a large piece of bread pudding with praline sauce, with a cold glass of milk to go with it. I looked towards the guestroom door hearing a snort, I think Angie's waking up. I'll fix her a big bowl of gumbo with lots of rice. She's probaby starved. More later.


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