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HoD Bch

High above the valley



Claw stepped back from the cliff ledge, knowing that any shred of self-dignity had been lost.


“Hahahahaha!” His hunting mate pointed a hooked talon at him and laughed. “You can’t handle your Klingon!”


“I can handle Klingon just fine, thank you! That thing was not Klingon.”


“I told you not to eat it!”


“That’s because you wanted it for yourself, you glutton.”


“Hahaha, no way! That thing was all fat, no muscle! I, Mighty Long-Wing, know a fatty Klingon when I see one!”


“Yeah, great, well you’re so smart.” Claw hopped onto the wind stripped branch that hung off the edge of the cliff. “Might I remind you of the squirrel incident of last year?”


Long-Wing shifted uncomfortably and diverted his gaze to the valley below them.


“Yeah, okay then, Fat-detector. It’s not so funny now, is it?”


“I still wouldn’t have eaten it.”




The two vultures let the conversation die away in the wind and contented themselves to settle into their worn viewing branch. The day was still young and both would soon be hungry again. It would be well to get the taste of that junky Klingon out of their beaks.

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