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Tuesday 9PM Academy

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Jorlis

[sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand/ Gofer / Fill-in - STSF Jami

[sTSF_Jami] Tactical Officer (TAC) - 5 of 12

[sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Captain Cougar

[sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Paladin

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Igor

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Cdt Keb Mizu

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Cadet Wimbley Murray

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Lady Matrix

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO1) - Dr Dustin Marks

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Tovan

[sTSF_Jorlis] Thank you, Jami. Stand by for tonight's briefing...

[sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- STSF ACADEMY: MISSION BRIEFING FOR 10-12-04 -=/\=-

[sTSF_Jorlis] Starfleet has lost contact with its cultural observers studying the pre-warp civilization on Cantus III. The USS Janus (Akira class) has been sent to find out what happened to the observation team.

[sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- BEGIN SIM -=/\=-

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Sitting in the center chair::

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::glances around the very busy bridge.::

[PALAD1N] <HELM> Reporting for duty

[Tovan] <CSCI> ::on the bridge, looking warily at chairs and consoles, sitting at his console and tapping it.

[Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::in main engineering running diagnostics::

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - ASCI = Kathryn Paris

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm> Take Helm and lay in a course for the Cantus system.

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::takes a look at the captain. Wonders if something is bothering him. ::

[igor] <CENG> <AENG> Run a level 3 diagnostic on the warp core, m/am reaction chamber, we don't want any surprises

[5_of_12] <TAC><XO> sir recommend we go to yellow alert

[PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Aye captain ::Plots course for the cantus system::

[Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG>Of course, sir.

[Tovan] <CSCI> ::looks at still at his consoles while wondering where his assistant went::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> Yellow alert? For what reason?

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::nodds to TAc's decision. ::

[Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::nods and begins the diagnostic with well-practiced keystrokes.::

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - ASEC = File Coder

[5_of_12] <TAC><CO> just to be on the safe side it should keep everyone alert

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>I agree with 5 of 12

[LadyMatrix] <CMO>::goes around the supply room taking inventory of all the medication

and equipment::

[Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> awake yet?

[PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Course laid in sir

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> We won't initiate it needlessly... let's figure out what's going on on Cantus III first.

[sTSF_Jorlis ] to<CO><Helm> Proceed

[5_of_12] <TAC><CO> aye sir


[5_of_12] <TAC><CO> i begin tactical scans when we are in range

[[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Have all departments report in, Mr. Cougar.

[PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Aye Aye ::taps panel in front on him::

[Tovan] <CSCI> ::looks back at his consoles and taps a few buttons. They're obviously blinking for some reason, he checks them to see.::

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>aye sir

[Nova] <ASCI><CSCI>Awaiting your orders sir

[Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG> Everything is showing normal, sir.

[Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> ::nudges Katheryn:: hello ...

[5_of_12] <TAC>::Running an inventory on the Torpedoes:::

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>+All department heads+ Cougar to all department heads. Please report in.

[igor] <CENG> <AENG> Good.

[5_of_12] <TAC><OPS> tac is standing by sir

[Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI2> ::nods:: sit over there please, and monitor and catalog all sensor readouts currently

[FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Orders sir?

[Tovan] <CSCI><OPS> science all ready

[Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::nods to 5_of_12 ::

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::enters the bridge and approaches Jorlis::: Evening, Captain.

[igor] <CENG> +OPS+ Engineering reporting in.

[Nova] <ASCI>::Sits::

[Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] Security reporting in from the armory.

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::gently nods to Tovan ::

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC><CSCI> Get me some information on the Cantus system and Cantus III, please.

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> Number one.

[5_of_12] <TAC><CO> aye sir

[Tovan] <CSCI><CO> aye sir, accessing ... .... ...

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::waits for medical staff to report in::

[FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Do you require assistance?

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::Looking worn::: Hands Jorlis a PADD::nods and sits in the XO chair::: Not much in the archives, Captain.

[5_of_12] <TAC>:: brings up information:

[Nova] <ASCI>::cataloging sensor readout::

[Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI2> bring up the cultural data base on Cantus III and its system

[LadyMatrix] <CMO>+OPS+ Medical reporting in

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::deep breath as she settles in::: Hopefully the crew will come up with more information.

[Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> ::begins inventory of weapons::

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>Sir all departments have reported in

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> Hmm. ::Looks over the PADD::

[igor] <CENG> ::Runs a level 3 diagnostic on the weapon systems::

[Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> ::looks at Kathryn:: hello ....?

[FileCoder] <ASEC>::counts how many phasers there are.

[Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Sorry Aye sir

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Make sure they have a copy of the briefing, and forward any information science and tactical bring up.

[LadyMatrix] <CMO> ::stares at last weeks inventory from today's for any problems::

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>aye sir

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm> What's our ETA, Mr. Paladin?

[5_of_12] <TAC>::Walks over to CSCI::<CSCI> so can you find anything the information i pulled up is limated

[Nova] <ASCI>okay

[Tovan] <CSCI><TAC> please hold we are currently accessing that data now.

[PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Aproximatly 6 minutes sir

[Tovan] <CSCI> ::stands by Nova and watches the screen spit out info::

[Nova] <ASCI><CSCI>::Brings up database:: Here sir

[sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::glance to Jorlis, updating him as he directs the bridge crew:: I think because it was such a new study they just hadn't had time to transmit what information they had.

[Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> FileCoder, are you working on Type II phasers or Type III?

[sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> Don't need any science data from you, Mr. 12. Just some info on where the system is located.

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::carefully watches TAC and CSCI discussion::

[Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> thank you very much

[Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG> Sir, we'll probably need the transporters when we arrive; I'm going to run a system check on them, with your permission.

[FileCoder] <ASEC>::makes a deck by deck search of the ship to make sure everything is in working order...in progress::

[Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> welcome

[igor] <CENG> +XO+ Will engineering teams be needed for this mission, sir ?

[5_of_12] <TAC><CSCI> i dont know what you'll fimd all that i found is its a pre warp cyvalization of humanoids

[sTSF_Jami] <XO>+<Igor>+ We'll know that when we arrive, Chief. Stand by.

[Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> ::begins inventory of Type III phasers::

[igor] <CENG> +XO+ Aye, sir.

[Tovan] <CSCI><TAC><CO> its coordinates are at 163.362 by 35.166, er.. thats the planet .. Cantus III, its in a system, single star Canta and it has only one M class world...

[Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::can't stop to eavesdrop into TAC and CSCI discussions. <TAC>There weapons will be limited and primitive

[FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Sir, I have found a malfunctioning gelpack on deck 2 section 37..permission to repair it?

[Tovan] <CSCI><CO> currently pre-warp, they have been in only one Major conflict and that may or may not be accurate so far, but it seems to be.

[5_of_12] <TAC><CO> its a pre warp humanoid culture they seem to have advanced similar to earth in the 20th century

[LadyMatrix] <CMO> ::checks the medkits to see if they have the proper supplies::

[igor] <CENG> <AENG> Calibrate the engines to give us some spare power if we would need it. I'll ask OPS for some power.

9:23 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> <ASEC> A gelpack? That would be engineering's duty to repair.

9:23 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Entering the Cantus System Sir

9:23 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> from all the intelligence gathered before our research lab's disappearence, this race seems to be threiving ...

9:23 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><TAC>Do they have energy weapons yet?

9:23 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC><CSCI> What stage of their development are they in?

9:23 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG> Yessir. ::begins callibrations::

9:23 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><OPS> no i balieve they are useing pistol like weapons

9:23 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> currently industrial and government stablization stages.

9:23 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm> Drop to impulse speed, approach the planet.

9:23 PM [igor] <CENG> +OPS+ Could you boost us some power so we have some spare for engineering emergencies if weapons, engines or shields fail ?

9:23 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> pre warp like 20th century earth

9:24 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG> ::whistles to herself an old earth song while she's under the warp core running the callibrations::

9:24 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::eyes shift towards console. looks at ship systems::

9:24 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Aye sir Slowing to empluse

9:24 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> try to find any data on their weapon usages ...

9:24 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Aye sir, sorry sir.<ENG>Engineering, you should get a repair team up to deck 2 section 37 to fix this gelpack....FileCoder out.

9:24 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:24 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM> Prepareing for orbit

9:24 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><CSCI><TAC> How much of a lookout do you think they're keeping for UFO's?

9:24 PM [5_of_12] <TAC>::Returns to TAC and beginns tactical scans of the system::

9:24 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>+CENG+Yes sir. Hold on. ::slowly boosts power to engineering::

9:24 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> id say to expect the same paranoya as on earth back then

9:25 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::grins, remembering old Earth stories of UFOs:::

9:25 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> ::reads data on his padd which he downloaded after the access on the info::

9:25 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> they're paranoid but also ... cynical ...

9:25 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI>::looks for datd on their weapons::

9:25 PM [igor] <CENG> <NPC AENG 2,3> Move up to deck 2 section 37 and fix the gelpacks over there.

9:25 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::Begins to run a ship system diagnostic::

9:25 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::turns to Tovan::: Cynical?

9:25 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> Start collecting some passive scans. <OPS> Do we have the coordinates of the observation post?

9:26 PM [igor] <CENG> +OPS+ Thank you. That will be enough.

9:26 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> no other ships in the area a groupe of satalites are in orbit of Cantus III but i think i can scramble the signal to look like a space anaomaly

9:26 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> their beliefs include that they were the only race created and any other was blashemy to their religion ... hence the first major conflict

9:26 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Sir...this is odd. I have found some phaser residue on the starboard bulkhead of deck 4 section 14...it appears to have a federation signature. I suggest you get down here to take a look.

9:26 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG> I'm going to have to manually adjust the ansprings in there if you want things perfect.

9:26 PM [igor] <NPC AENG 2,3> <CENG> Aye, sir.

9:26 PM [igor] <CENG> <AENG> Good.

9:26 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><CSCI> Hmm? That's the belief of the people in power? Or they've been in contact with other races?

9:26 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CSCI> facinating these people do resemble earth in a sence

9:26 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> of course their own people

9:27 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> <ASEC> FileCoder, report to the armory and begin an inventory of Type II phasers and spare battery packs.

9:27 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> Scramble the satelites, let's be cautious, though.

9:27 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::opens a panel and crawls underneath some cylinders with a businesslike manner::

9:27 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>Yes sir ::pauses and looks at console:: <CO> northern continent, Grid 7, cordinate 234.5

9:27 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> we may have trouble blending in if they found the observatory ...

9:27 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Sir it looks like they do use a pistol like weapon

9:27 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> bullets and projectiles eh?

9:27 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Aye sir.

9:27 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> i believe i can get an image of the surface then we can see what there cloths are like and what they look like so the doctor can alter anyone who goes down and I recommend replicating some primitive weapons if we go to the surface

9:28 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:28 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::lays on her back and fine tunes the ansprings, still whistling softly::

9:28 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CENG>on my way

9:28 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> ::Nods:: <Helm> Bring us into position over those coordinates. Keep us at a distance for now, though.

9:28 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::continues to run diagnostic::

9:28 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> good good, does it say how large a bullet ....?

9:28 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC>::gets into turbolift:: Armory!

9:28 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> For now, let's check out the observation post, find out if we can determine anything from up here.

9:28 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::notices that sensors detect a 0.1 flux in the shield array::

9:28 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> Aye sir :Plots course over Grid 7 Coordinate 234.5:;

9:29 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> aye sir ill scan for the post

9:29 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><TAC>there's a 0.1 flux in the shield array

9:29 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> it looks like a 38 mm bullet sir

9:29 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::does a quick calculation in her head, confirms with the computer, and adjusts the final anspring, eyeballing it carefully.::

9:29 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> hm... looks good, good work.

9:29 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> thankyou sir

9:29 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC>::gets out of turbolift...says OUCH! MY HEAD!!!:: and continues to the armory

9:29 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::admires her work with the eye of an artist and then crawls out and closes the panel.

9:29 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><OPS> compensating do you know what caused it if it hapooens again they could be alerted to a UFO or something

9:29 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::walks to the CO:: <CO> looks like they're still using projectiles ...

9:29 PM [LadyMatrix] <CMO>::gets finished restocking and inventorying the supply room and goes over to check the biobeds for proper working order::

9:30 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><CSCI> What does it look like at the post's coordinates?

9:30 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC>la di da lal la

9:30 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> one moment ::goes back to station and checks out the image::

9:30 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>,TAC>uhhh... ::doesn't have a clue about what TAC is saying::

9:30 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::steps up to a console, adjusting her uniform as she stands up again, and reruns the calibrations algorithm.::

9:30 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> scan the station coordinates for ... anomalies and anything that may or may not be the station's it self.

9:30 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Reporting as ordered sir!!!!!!!!! ::proceeds to do his inventory

9:30 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><OPS> just make sure the shields don't flux again or there satellites will most likely pick us up

9:31 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::activates scanners and gets a clear image::

9:31 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::nods to TAC::

9:31 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Furrows brow:: <TAC> Are shields raised?

9:31 PM [igor] <CENG> ::double checks the system operationality::

9:31 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC> 2 4 6 7 8 9 15 65 10 45 67

9:31 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> the station is there

9:31 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> ummmm no thats odd OPS detected a flux in the shields and i didnt even think to make sure if theyw ere up or not

9:31 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::fingers shuffle up and down. Finishes diagnostic. All systems normal::

[FileCoder ] First<ASEC><CSEC>Sir...my inventory shows that we have 67 typeII phasers onboard

9:32 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG> Does it look all right to you?

9:32 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> Shields should be down. No reason for them to be up.

9:32 PM [igor] <CENG> <AENG> Yes. Great work.

9:32 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><CSCI> Signs of civilization near the outpost? Geological conditions, weather conditions?

9:32 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::SIts and watchs the CO at work and wonders the day he will be able to be captian of a ship::

9:32 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> nothing odd about the station's surroundings ...

9:32 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> they are down sir but we could shield ourselves from detection

9:33 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG>::blushes slightly:: Thanks, sir, it wasn't anything really.

9:33 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CSCI> do they have any power

9:33 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Can we get any lifesign readings from the outpost?

9:33 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::starts to wonder who will win , TAC or CO?::

9:33 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO> no civilization, its near a top of the cliff

9:33 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC><ASEC> Okay. Check for spare battery packs.

9:33 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Anything else sir?

9:33 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Then realizes he needs to graduate first::

9:33 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::scans for life signs::

9:33 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Aye sir. CHecking...

9:33 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OSP><CO>I have picked up life signs

9:34 PM [Captain_Cougar] <<* I meant OPS>>

9:34 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><CO><TAC> no alien life readings, weather is 24C, no pervailien winds, no rain shadows occuring ... its sunny too.

9:34 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> Is it the observation team?

9:34 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CSCI> but do they have power?

9:34 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>I can't tell who's who

9:34 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><TAC> checking ...

9:34 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>It seems like we need to go down there

9:34 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::modifies scanners for emission detection::

9:35 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Humms a little tune::

9:35 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><TAC><CO> external power is below active sensor detection but a faint one

9:35 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> how did they manage to stay hidden from the locals

9:35 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> Hmm. <TAC> Usual holographic field I'd imagine.

9:35 PM [LadyMatrix] <CMO>::starts to humm about starting to check on the second biobed::

9:35 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CSCI> if they have power why didnt the contact us or atleaset why did we not have contact with them

9:35 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> I'd like you to take a team down, Mr. Cougar.

9:36 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> scan 10 mile radius starting from the station at its center, plese

9:36 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>aye sir

9:36 PM [FileCoder] ::sings some opera at his success:: We have 55 battery packs that are fully charged SIR!!!!!!

9:36 PM [Nova] 9:36 PM <ASCI><CSCI>yes sir

9:36 PM [Nova] <ASCI>::begins scan::

9:36 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> catalog any and all strange life readings from scans ...

9:36 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Strecths in his chair with a yawn put tries to conceal it so the CO doesnt see him yawn::

9:36 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] << Coder, bring it down a notch, please >>

9:36 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>Permission to organize a away team?

9:36 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:37 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> ::Furrows brow:: I just gave it to you.

9:37 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::taps his console and checks Nova's console:: hm... thats weird.

9:37 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>+CSEC+Meet me for an away team mission in transporter room 1

9:38 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CO>Is TAC needed here on the bridge?

9:38 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Is there something wrong sir?

9:38 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>5 Battery packs are at 50% charged sir...shall I bring them to full power?

9:38 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC>+OPS+ Aye, sir.

9:38 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>+CSEC+Bring some men too

9:38 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> shall i get an image of the people just incase we incounter the locals

9:38 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><OPS> ::Nods:: I'd prefer his presence here.

9:38 PM [igor] <CENG> +XO+ Will the engineering teams be needed ?

9:38 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> hm... not really important ... just a rain storm on the other side, heh heh

9:38 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <SCEC> ::Exits armory and heads for turbolift::

9:38 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::continues scanning with Nova;:

9:38 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> Well there isn't anyone around according to science. Hopefully we'll be able to avoid contact...

9:39 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CSCI>Prefer to come?

9:39 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> But let's have a look at them for curiosity purpose. ::Grins::

9:39 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> acknowledged

9:39 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::straighens uniform::

9:39 PM [5_of_12] <TAC><CO> shall i transfer ops control to my station

9:39 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><OPS> ::thinks this logically:: i think it would be benifical

9:39 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> +Igor+ That would be up to Mr. Cougar.

9:39 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC><ASEC> Come with me, Coder. ::waits outside armory::

9:39 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> lets go field trip ::smirkLl

9:39 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::nod::

9:40 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:40 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CSCI>lets go to TR1

9:40 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Aye sir. ::walks up behind <CSEC> and follows him down hallway

9:40 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG>Would you like me to run the transporter systems?

9:40 PM [5_of_12] <TAC>::Brings up image og the planets enhances to see the contanent where the people are ionhances again to get a clear looka at them

9:40 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TAC> ::Nods::

9:40 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> ::enters turbolift with ASEC::

9:40 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::stands up and grabs a tricorder from his console's side::

9:40 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::stiffly walks to the TL::

9:40 PM [igor] <CENG> <AENG> Yes.

9:40 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Where are we going sir?

9:40 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Rubs his chin:: Wonder why they can't get in touch. Maybe their comm equipment is damaged.

9:40 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI>planet surface ...

9:40 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> Transporter room.

9:40 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><TL>TR1

9:40 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> :::leans towards Jorlis::: How about a few engineers in case their problem is mechanical?

9:40 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::swiftly goes into the TL::

9:41 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::Tl swishes down::

9:41 PM [Nova] <ASCI>::folows::

9:41 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::nods to <CENG> and heads briskly through the halls to transporter room 1.::

9:41 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><XO> That would be wise.

9:41 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC>::steps on trandporter padd::

9:41 PM [5_of_12] <TAC>::Transfers ops to tac and runs both stations::

9:41 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> +Cougar+ Take a few engineers with you in case the team's problem was mechanical.

9:41 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::TL comes to stop. Exits into corridor::

9:41 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>+XO+aye sir

9:41 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::exists and walks towards the TL::

9:42 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> ::exits lift and enters trnasporter room::

9:42 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>+CENG+assign an engineering team and meet me in TR!

9:42 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::steps into Transporter room one and stands behind the console, awaiting commands and checking the console for full functionality.::

9:42 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> tricorders, the data padds here ::hands them to Nova:: and a kit for collecting samples.

9:42 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> im going to try and boost sensors so we can get a claer scan of our people

9:42 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC>::eps on padd with <CSEC>::

9:42 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> A sir

9:42 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> ::walks over to weapons locker and arms self, steps to transporter pad::

9:42 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::enters TR1 and glances aroung the room::

9:42 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:42 PM [LadyMatrix] <CMO>::keeps going around sickbay::

9:42 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TOPS> Let's try to remain as discrete as possible.

9:43 PM [FileCoder] <AENG>:gets a type II phaser rifle rom rack...and is rdy to transport::

9:43 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS>::quietly steps up onto the spacey transporter padd::

9:43 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> dont worrie descrete is my specialty ::Grins::

9:43 PM [FileCoder] from*

9:43 PM [igor] <CENG> +AENG+ Prepare for transportation. You're already in TR1. NPC AENG 4 will replace you. He'll bring your equipment.

9:43 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::enters TL room and checks the storage lockers and gets out two kits, a tricorder and few more empty padds::

9:43 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> The greater part of valor. ::grins::

9:43 PM [Captain_Cougar] <OPS><CSEC>Is everbody here?

9:43 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS>::Trys to boost sensors::

9:43 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>+CENG+ Yessir.

9:43 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> well, now be careful

9:43 PM [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::hands out @ to away team:::

9:43 PM [igor] <CENG> <NPC AENG4> You're with me. Take an engineering equipment. ::walks to TL::

9:44 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Readjusts thrust for declying orbit::

9:44 PM [igor] <CENG> <TL> TR1

9:44 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> Yes, sir.

9:44 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::hands the ASCI a tricorder and a kit, he copies the data from the padds into the empty padds for reference::

9:44 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::smiles with excitement about going on the away mission, but continues to monitor the console until AENG 4 can get there::

9:44 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> ::smirks:: excited?

9:44 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI> yes sir

9:45 PM [FileCoder] <aSEC>i love away missions....:)

9:45 PM [igor] <CENG> ::arrives at TR deck and enters TR1:: <NPC AENG 4> Replace AENG at transportation station.

9:45 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Raps his fingers against his armrest::

9:45 PM [Tovan] <CSCI><ASCI> well ... show at least some enthusiasm ... i hope i'm not boring you heh

9:45 PM [Nova] <ASCI><ASEC> You like it for the transporter ride

9:45 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><TR chief> Transport

9:45 PM [Tovan] <CSCI>::steps onto the pad::

9:45 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::nods to NPC AENG4 and accepts her equipment, quickly arranging it on her person.::

9:45 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> the AT is ready for transport

9:45 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><ASCI>YOU BET!

9:45 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::joins the away team on the pad.::

9:45 PM [Nova] <ASCI>::Steps onto pad::

9:45 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::glances over:: Time for a little R&R, Captain?

9:45 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> well then again ... there are things such as overethusiastic ..

9:45 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TOPS> They are? Didn't hear anything from them.

9:46 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>:: transports to surface::

9:46 PM [LadyMatrix] <CMO> ::tests the last biobed finding nothing wrong::

9:46 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> i have been tinkering with the internal sensors just a lil

9:46 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> <ASEC> Keep an eye out.

9:46 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::blinks::wondering about the lack of communication of the AT:::

9:46 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Understood sir.

9:46 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TOPS> Well keep as wary an eye on them as we can.

9:47 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> hm... ::decides to do something:: +Bridge+ away team is ready for transport .. . . . . .

9:47 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> willd do sir

9:47 PM [igor] <CENG> <AENG> Grab engineering equipment and follow me.

9:47 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>:picks up phaser rifle and charges power pack.

9:47 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> shall i transport them

9:47 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG><CENG> Yessir. ::equips and follows her chief::

9:47 PM [igor] <CENG> ::stands at Transporter platform::

9:47 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TOPS> ::Nods:: Proceed

9:47 PM [Captain_Cougar] <<I thought we already transported>>

9:47 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS>::Energises::

9:47 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Straightens hair and sits up in chair::

9:48 PM [Tovan] <<we didn't report in .. eh?>>

9:48 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC>::Feels tingly sensation:: WEE!

9:48 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] << It helps to take it through proper channels first, Cougar :D >>

9:48 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> trasport uderway sir

9:48 PM [Tovan] <CSCI> ::gets beamed::

9:48 PM [Captain_Cougar] <<well CSEC told me everyone was there. Oh well>>

9:48 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Waves at the XO::

9:48 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] <AENG>::glances around quickly upon rematerializing, and takes in the scenery of Cantus III::

9:48 PM [igor] <CENG> <NPC AENG 4> 2 for transportation.

9:49 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> transport was succesful

9:49 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><CSEC>Spread out

9:49 PM [sTSF_Jami] Stage Hand> ::superglues @ to Tovan's forehead, and anyone else who forgot the symbol:::

9:49 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> im monitoring the AT

9:49 PM [Nova] <ASCI><CSCI>I still don't like the idea of my molecules being taken apart and put back together ::winces::

9:49 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::has been slapped and a weird symbol appears on his head:: hm... this seems familiar ...

9:49 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><AT>lets spread out and search the outpost

9:49 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> <SEC> Spread out. Keep an eye out for trouble.

9:50 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+OPS+ Mr. Cougar, I haven't been hearing much from you. Your team's status?

9:50 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::walks around the out post::

9:50 PM [FileCoder] <ASEC><CSEC>Aye sir.

9:50 PM [igor] <@CENG> <@AENG> Follow me to main engineering.

9:50 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>+CO+we are searching the outpost for life signs

9:50 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> perliminary scan please.

9:50 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] ::moves to front right of AT::

9:50 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:50 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG><CENG> Main engineering sir?

9:50 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC><CSEC>The area looks clear sir. NO sign of the scouting party.

9:51 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] <CSEC> ::powers up rifle::

9:51 PM [igor] <@CENG> <AENG> Main engineering console.

9:51 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG>::nods to CENG::

9:51 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> hm... ::looks around the claustrophobic out post:: dusty ...

9:51 PM [sTSF_Jami] HINT: Everyone on the Away Team should type @ before your post. Thanks.

9:51 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::glances arround his surroundings. Briefly rubs hands. Enters a small, narrow, dark corridor::

9:51 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><TOPS> How goes our satelite scrambling, Mr. 12?

9:51 PM [LadyMatrix] <CMO>::cleans up any mess she made and then goes to her desk to log her inventory and equipment tests::

9:52 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> ::looks at tricorder:: I am not picking up any wierd readings sir

9:52 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> ::follows OPS::

9:52 PM [igor] <@CENG><AENG> Scan power generator 2, I'll scan PG 1.

9:52 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><CSEC>Your with me

9:52 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> well if we dont have missiles ridding our tails id say its all clear for now ::Laughs slightly::

9:52 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> good lets check their data base, what they made notes on ... or did they even do their homework

9:52 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM> ::Cracks knuckles::

9:52 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> Aye, sir.

9:52 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>::Follows <CSEC>::

9:52 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::walks towards the main computer terminal::

9:52 PM [igor] <@CENG>::walks, to main engineering console and runs a diagnsotic on the PG 1::

9:52 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG><CENG> Aye sir. ::examines power generator 2 and opens tricorder to begin scanning.::

9:52 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> ::follows CSCI::

9:52 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::squints eyes to look down the dark corridor::

9:52 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC><ASEC> stay with the rest of the group.

9:53 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::fumbles with a cable protruding out of the from a corner::

9:53 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>Aye sir. ::turns tails and walks back to group::

9:53 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::continues to travel down the corridor::

9:53 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG><CENG>This one's not generating any power right now. It might not be on.

9:53 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> ::continues to follow OPS::

9:53 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::hears a brief sound::

9:53 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS>+OPS+ remember use extreme caution

9:53 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::kicks the cable out of the way and restarts walking to the computer.:: <ASCI> after the computer we'll take sample of the surroundings

9:53 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM>::Remembers HoloNovel written by Tom Paris and remembers the laser beams and such::

9:53 PM [igor] <@CENG> <AENG> Try to figure out what's wrong with it.

9:53 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><CSEC>Did you hear that?

9:53 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> Aye sir

9:54 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO> ::Wonders if the team is having any luck finding those lifesigns::

9:54 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> how do you feel?

9:54 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> good sir

9:54 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG>::continues examining the console, from blank screens to base::

9:54 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>Followas the science team..intent on protecting them from danger

9:54 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::chuckles as he makes it to the computers, takes out his sample collectors::

9:54 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><CSEC>I heard it again! ready phasers!

9:54 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> That muffled bang?

9:54 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG>::removes the top panel and checks the POWER switch. It's set to on.::

9:54 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC><CSEC>Do you require assistance sir?

9:54 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::gets out flashlight::

9:54 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM> Its Captian Proton thats what it was ::Laughs loudly remembering he is on the bridge::

9:55 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> alrighty, ::hands Nova a new padd:: download every quad of data in their data base

9:55 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> Aye, sir. ::raises rifle::

9:55 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG>::flips switch off and then on again. Nothing.::

9:55 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> they add a hole new meaning to descrete

9:55 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> aye sir

9:55 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO><Helm> ::Frowns::

9:55 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC>::activates light on rifle::

9:55 PM [igor] <@CENG> +XO+ Power Generator 1 is working properly, but I'm scanning some flux in the outpost shield.

9:55 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::turns to a dead end::

9:55 PM [sTSF_Jami] <XO> ::purses lips, wondering how the AT is doing:::

9:55 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::notes the console is dead::

9:55 PM [Nova] @<ASCI>::starts downloading data::

9:55 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> er.... scratch that ...

9:55 PM [PALAD1N] <HELM><CO> My apologizes Sir

9:55 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::sees a observer sitting against the wall::

9:55 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>::llows main group with rifle raised::

9:55 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+CENG+ Thank you Mr. Igor. Make sure your team leader is informed.

9:56 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI> aye sir

9:56 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><CSEC>look its an observer

9:56 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG>::opens a back panel and examines the wires. They're frayed and cut in places, though mostly intact.::

9:56 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> take a sample of the dust, i'll be right back ::walks towards Cougar::

9:56 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observor> ::Looks up at Cougar, left eye twitching::

9:56 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> Yes, it is.

9:56 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>+CO+Me and CSEC have found an observer

9:57 PM [igor] <@CENG> +OPS+ Power generator 1 is working properly, but there is some flux in the outpost shield. Do you need some engineering assistance, sir ?

9:57 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG><CENG> I think I've found the problem with this console, sir. It looks like rats or something similar have been chewing the wires.

9:57 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS>::looking surprised:: human?

9:57 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] <CO>+OPS+ Excellent. Try to find out why they fell out of contact.

9:57 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><OPS> ::stares at the Observor while conveying his needs: i need power to that console over there and the main data base ...

9:57 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><CENG>negative. We have found an observer

9:57 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observor> ::Looks around frantically::

9:57 PM [igor] <@CENG> <AENG> Can you fix it with your engineering equipment or we need parts transported from the ship ?

9:58 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::looks at the observer who seems to be frightenedLL

9:58 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observors> They're everywhere, they're everywhere! Gnawing through the walls!

9:58 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::takes out tricorder and scans the observer::

9:58 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><OBSERVER>WHo?

9:58 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI>anything sir?

9:58 PM [5_of_12] <TOPS><CO> im getting worrie i think something strange is going on

9:58 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG><CENG> Should be easy enough to shorten and resoldier these wires--it's a pretty basic assembly.

9:58 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>::Raises phaser at observer::

9:58 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> no ...

9:58 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observors> Ahhh!!! ::Grabs his head:: The tribbles, the tribbles!

9:58 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observor> ::Raises eyebrows at ASEC and screams very loudly::

9:59 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI>+<CENG>+ need power to main data base computer, please.

9:59 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>::grins:: <OBSERVER>Tribbles?

9:59 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observor> ::Quickly gets up and runs toward ASEC::

9:59 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><ASCI> come over here for the mean time

9:59 PM [igor] <@CENG> <AENG> Okay. We need to stabilize the outpost shield.

9:59 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>::Fires phaser at observer::

9:59 PM [Cdt_Keb_Mizu] @<AENG>::pulls out a few tools and, after double-checking the power button, begins cutting the frayed wires.::

9:59 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> Um, tribbles?

9:59 PM [Nova] @<ASCI><CSCI>aye sir

9:59 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS><Observor>What really happened?

9:59 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::notes the survivor runs towards ASEC::

9:59 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] @Observor> ::Thrown back, falls, cracks skull against ground::

9:59 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI> ::blinks::

9:59 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>oh geeze

10:00 PM [FileCoder] @<ASEC>woo!..that was a close one.

10:00 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI><OPS> ::agrees:: that was totally uncalled for ...

10:00 PM [5_of_12] <<This observer isnt about as sharp as a marble lol::

10:00 PM [igor] <@CENG> +CSCI+ Okay. But only one generator is working so you're not going to get much. ::slowly boosts power to main database computer::

10:00 PM [Cadet_Wimbley_Murray] @<CSEC> ::blinks in surprise::

10:00 PM [Captain_Cougar] @<OPS>+CO+We need a medical team down here now!

10:00 PM [Tovan] @<CSCI>+<CENG>+ understood ....

10:00 PM [sTSF_Jorlis] -=/\=- PAUSE SIM -=/\=-

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