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Tuesday 9PM Academy 10/5

Tue Oct 5, 2004 - Starfleet Academy Log


STSF_Jami Captain Sketti, are you ready for your vict . . . er . . . crew?

21:12:18 STSF_Jami Welcome to another episode of Starfleet Academy!

21:13:33 STSF_Jami Commanding Officer (CO) - STSF Sketti

21:13:39 STSF_Jami Stage Hand/ Gofer / Fill-in - STSF Jami

21:13:4 STSF_Jami Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Ltsg Hans Seiben

21:13:1 STSF_Jami Tactical Officer (TAC) - Wing of no Wing

21:13:8 STSF_Jami Operations Officer (OPS) - Captain Cougar

21:14:04 STSF_Jami Helm (Helm) - Lady Matrix

21:14:11 STSF_Jami Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Dr Dustin Marks

21:14:28 STSF_Jami Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Tovan <be afraid>

21:14:3 STSF_Jami Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Dr MCH

21:14:44 STSF_Jami HINT - don't break anything. There is no engineering.

21:1:00 STSF_Jami That is your crew, Captain. May the gods shine brightly.

21:1:01 STSF_Sketti ::innocent look::

21:1:02 Dr._Dustin_Marks ::Wonders what this button does:: lol

21:1:23 STSF_Sketti Allllllll right. Stand by for the briefing! (in other words, DUCK!)

21:1:27 STSF_Sketti >=<>= ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN =<>=<

21:1:27 STSF_Sketti >=<>= MISSION BRIEFING =<>=<

21:1:28 STSF_Sketti >=<>= STSF ACADEMY =<>=<

21:1:28 STSF_Sketti >=<>= <October , 2004> =<>=<

21:1:29 STSF_Sketti The USS Janus is on regular patrol duty near Sector 001.

21:1:30 STSF_Sketti ....

21:1:30 STSF_Sketti >=<>= END MISSION BRIEFING =<>=<

21:1:36 STSF_Sketti >=<>=<>=<>=< BEGIN SIM >=<>=<>=<>=<

21:16:00 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::siting in his seat::

21:16:13 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::In his office, sipping coffee.::


21:16:33 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::in the central chair, glancing around::

21:16:3 Tovan <CMO> *) ::in sickbay, checking blood banks after getting fresh supplies

from a medical bay on ... some terran planet tihng::

21:16:3 Ladymatrix <Helm> :: keeps a patroling course near and around sector 001::

21:16:42 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::patiently standing at OPS console, silently scratches


21:17:26 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Reviews the patrol logs from the Cardboard


21:17:31 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Sits down at the Science place::

21:17:31 Tachyon <CENG>::pops into existence::

21:17:3 Tovan <CMO> ::finishes checking blood banks then moves to the surgical area to

check the equipment::

21:17:2 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::calibrating the redundant trilateral eighth-dimension

phaser exhaust halo directing sensors::

21:18:1 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Decides to scan the area, taps console::

21:18:28 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Looks at a non-sealing door outside of engineering.

Furrows his brow::

21:18:29 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::runs a diagnostic on internal sensors::

21:18:33 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> Ah, another patrol duty. I tell you, this is the life.

21:18:4 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CENG+ Marks to Tachyon.

21:18:3 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CO> It sure is.. All we need is a nice glasses of pina


21:18:8 Tachyon <CENG>::directing his engineer minions to calibrate the warp core::

+CSEC+ Yessss?

21:18:8 Tovan <CMO> ::taps equipment and gets an error display::

21:19:01 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Puts report of findings on a PADD, hands to XO::

<XO>Here's what's going on outside

21:19:18 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> <CO> Sure wish we could take this thing to Risa

21:19:32 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> <CScI> Quite. ::takes padd::

21:19:40 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> ::chuckle:: That's next week's patrol duty, isn't it?

21:19:42 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::listens to XO and Co conversation and laughs::

21:19:47 Tovan <CMO> surgical support claws has depolarized... hm... what does that

mean ... ::flips through the medical manual::

21:19:2 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CENG+ One of my boys found that B-Level door 2

isn't sealing all the way. May want to have someone look into that.

21:19:3 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Sits back down::

21:20:03 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CO> Yep, according to my schedule ::chuckle::

21:20:06 STSF_Jami <Yeoman> :::enters with beverages for the command staff, and

apologies for the lack of pina coladas:::

21:20:21 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ sickbay to engineering, any one got a moment?

21:20:31 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><Yeoman> Ahh, thanks alot.. now thuis is the life.

:;sips the drink::

21:20:43 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::finishes internal sensors diagnostic, everything is right

and working::

21:20:43 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ Too many, eh.

21:20: Tachyon <CENG>+CSEC+ Thanks, I'll send someone to check it out.

21:21:09 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::sips his drink: as well::

21:21:13 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ some thing here has depolarized ... i have no idea

what it means ...

21:21:30 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::read routine report of short-range scanners, sighs:: Nothing


21:21:30 Tachyon <CENG>::points to an engineer:: Go check out that pesky door again,

we might have to replace it, that's the seventh time this week.

21:21:37 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Takes a sip of coffee and grimmaces:: +CENG+

Maybe you can also get someone to check the Replicator down here. This coffee tastes like mud.

21:21:42 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> Just the right combination of strawberries and rum..

top notch stuff

21:21:1 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> Agreed.

21:21:9 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ I see. So you want someone to come and fix it for you,

or do you prefer a customized "Out of Order" sign?

21:22:02 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> Let's see, what reports do we have from the


21:22:19 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ i don't know ... what do you think?

21:22:29 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CO> Departments report that everything is fine

21:22:43 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::Shuffles into the PADDs::

21:22:49 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::activates temporal science scanners, scans area::

21:22:0 STSF_Jami <Yeoman> :::wondering how Hans got rum out of the coffee:::smiles


21:22:0 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ The "Out of Order" sign is a classic, but it's bad luck for

anyone who actually needs surgery. I've got some time, so I'll come up and take a look.

21:22:3 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::ponders this::

21:22:8 Tachyon <CENG>::sends Larry to check out the CSEC's replicator::

21:23:03 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Spits the coffee back into his cup and gets rid of it::

21:23:28 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ ::looks at the people around in sickbay, a few having

stomach cramps:: good idea ... and don't eat in the mess hall ...

21:23:29 Tachyon <CENG><Larry> Fix the replicator. And I don't want a repeat of last

week, that turbolift incident wasn't funny.

21:23:0 STSF_Jami ROSTER UPDATE - ASCI = Mary Major

21:23: Tachyon <CENG>+CSEC+ Larry's on his way. +CMO+ Acknowledged, on both

counts. ::grabs an engineering kit::



21:24:17 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Straightens up:: +CENG+ Thanks Tach, Marks out.

21:24:24 Tovan <CMO> ::dramatically was taken aback, stumbles:: what the ...

21:24:29 MaryMajor asci> ::is on a grand starship again::

21:24:31 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ uh...

21:24:39 Tachyon <CENG>::enters TL:: Sickbay, eh

21:24:43 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ Yessss?



21:24:7 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ does support structures in sickbay suddenly and

spontaneously repolarize?

21:2:07 Tachyon Larry> <CSEC> Everything looks good here sir.

21:2:12 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ cause it just did .... *)

21:2:14 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> :;wishes this seat had a reclining feature, and foot rest::

21:2:17 MaryMajor asci>::enters the science station::

21:2:17 Captain_Cougar <OPS>:: looks around at the bridge crew. Notices that everyone is

very relaxed.::

21:2:20 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Looks at Larry:: What do you mean everythhing is

fine? It tastes like Mud!

21:2:30 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::like his LA-Z-Boy::

21:2:31 MaryMajor asci><csci> It looks like you are stuck with me, chief

21:2:32 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ ::shrugs:: It's been known to happen. ::whispers under

his breath:: No it hasn't . . .

21:2:40 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ I'll still take some scans anyway . . .

21:2:3 Tachyon Larry> ::reaches out for cup:: Can I . . .

21:2:8 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> ::levelling a gaze:: Now, now. Reclining chairs on the


21:26:01 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ thanks i don't want it to depolarize during an actual

surgery ... ugh ...

21:26:07 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Grabs the cup:: Be my guest.



21:26:24 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::Captain must be Vulcan, or telepathic:: It'd be nice to


21:26:2 Tovan <CMO> ::disposes the thoughts and grabs a hypospray to a patient:: take

this twice a day and don't eat the chili

21:26:41 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::actually saw his feet twitching::

21:26:44 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::playing Space Invaders on the console after finishing


21:26:9 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC> This is the way I like it. Patrols are very relaxing.

21:27:27 Tachyon Larry> ::gulps down CSEC's coffee:: Mmm, good. Nope, nothing wrong


21:27:39 MaryMajor asci><csci> are you alright?

21:27:39 Tachyon <CENG>::arrives at sickbay and walks over to the surgical claw::

21:27:42 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Is getting frustrated:: Are you nuts?

21:27:1 Tachyon <CENG>::takes out a tricorder and scans::

21:27:6 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Takes the coffee back and sips it and it tastes fine::

What the...

21:27:9 Tachyon <CENG>::frowns:: <CMO>Everything is normal, eh.

21:28:09 Tovan <CMO> ::walks to the surgical bay:: hm...

21:28:19 Tachyon <CENG><CMO>When did you encounter this "error"?

21:28:26 Tovan <CMO><CENG> thanks, hm.... ::doesn't trust medical equipment::: just


21:28:48 Tovan <CMO><CENG> it just ... depolarized ... then repolarized ...

21:28:48 Tachyon <CENG><CMO>What were you doing? Were you poking it, scanning

it, using it, running a diagnostic . . .?

21:29:00 Tovan <CMO><CENG> Diagnostic

21:29:04 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> Hmm, I wonder if after our shifts we have head on

down to New YOrk or something and go to a pub or club.

21:29:10 Tachyon <CENG>::nods and runs a diagnostic from the computer console::

21:29:10 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CENG> ::Marks down a note on the replicator::

21:29:18 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::stands suddenly:: Mr Wing, take a few sensor scans from the

surrounding area, please. We are on patrol, after all.

21:29:18 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::notices Wing-of-no-Wing playing a game on his


21:29:26 Tachyon <CENG>::frowns:: <CMO>I'm not getting that error.

21:29:29 MaryMajor asci>::cannot find the chief, decides to run scans on sensors to kill


21:29:38 STSF_Sketti <XO> <OPS> Mr Cougar, please ensure all power conduits are open

and functioning correctly.

21:29:43 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::Sits up in his seat::

21:29: Tovan <CMO> hm.... evil ... who's the manufacturer of this thing?

21:29:8 Tachyon <CENG>::sticks a "Miraculously Fixed--Expect that Service from this

Sickbay" advertisement on the claw:: How's that?

21:30:00 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::isn't sure if Wing is paying attention to the CO's orders::

21:30:08 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC> ::shuts down Space Invaders and takes a look at the

scanner program running underneath:: <CO> Everything's still normal, sir. I programmed it to

bleep at me if it detects something.

21:30:14 STSF_Jami <HINT: Just because we are patrolling doesn't mean we goof off.>>

21:30:18 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CENG> ::Sends the note to the bridge with "Ralph" the


21:30:18 Tovan <CMO><CENG> ah, thats good

21:30:38 MaryMajor asci>::tapping the computer screen::

21:30:39 Tachyon <CENG><CMO>I need to get back to engineering now .

21:30:41 Tovan <CMO><CENG> thank you

21:31:00 Tachyon <CENG>::nods and reenters the TL:: Engineering.

21:31:07 STSF_Sketti <XO> <HELM> What percentage of this sector have we covered?

21:31:08 Captain_Cougar <OPS>:: Scans all power conduits:: <XO> All power conduits

are functioning right

21:31:16 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><OPS> Excellent

21:31:24 STSF_Sketti [[ er, that would be <CO>, not <XO>. ]]

21:31:2 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><ASCI> The program's stored in the Tactical database

under "Combat Practice and Reflex Enhancement Programs". You can download it off the ship


21:31:32 Tachyon <CENG>::enters engineering and obtains a systems report from an


21:32:02 Tovan <CMO> hm...:: walks over to another patient and checks ::

21:32:08 Tachyon <CENG>::checks the status of the warp core recalibration:: Hmm . . .

21:32:17 MaryMajor asci>::waiting for the csci to return, making out a check list::

21:32:17 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><ASCI> I find that it helps my concentration on these

long missions to have something to occupy me a little bit.

21:32:31 MaryMajor asci><tac> Indeed.

21:32:42 Captain_Cougar <OPS>:: sees Wing-of-no-Wing making an excuse for playing

video games::

21:32:42 Tachyon <CENG>::adjusts target objective::

21:32:4 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> While I'm sure the computer is more than adequate at

alerting us if something unusual appears, we still have orders to preform a standard patrol, which

includes manual short and long-range scans along with regular "navigational" scanning performed

automatically by the computer.

21:32:8 Tachyon <CENG>::resynchronizes the matter-antimatter intermix flow::

21:33:02 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>Nice excuse Wing

21:33:13 Tovan <CMO> ::sticks the hypospray to the patient's neck again:: the sandwiches

are better ...

21:33:37 Tachyon <CENG>::delegates system resources::

21:33:42 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Checks his Phaser and begins going on some


21:33:0 Tovan <CMO> ::puts away the hypospray to note the sickbay is now clear ::

21:33:0 MaryMajor asci>::saving information on the computer screen::

21:33:4 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> ::grumbles and presses the scanner button again,

which bleeps at him indignantly to tell him to stop bothering it::

21:34:00 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>I love video games

21:34:1 Tachyon <CENG>::resets primary inter-sequencing pairs::

21:34:16 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>I have an old Xbox in my quarters

21:34:3 STSF_Sketti <CO> <OPS> Mr Cougar, have you checked yet on the status of the

power conduits?

21:34:37 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><OPS> Reflexes are like muscles, aren't they? Stop

using them and they degrade.

21:34:38 Tachyon <CENG>::notes a minor variation in the flux neutralizer::

21:34:39 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Begins walking down the corridors, nodding to the

random crewman::

21:34:48 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>XBox is a 21 century video games console that

many people played during that time

21:34: Tachyon <CENG>::assigns an engineer to fix the neutralizer::

21:3:0 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::presses the scan button again::

21:3:06 Tachyon <CENG>::runs a diagnostic on the injectors::

21:3:1 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner><TAC> Bleep!

21:3:18 MaryMajor asci><I am going to assume I am on the bridge>

21:3:23 Captain_Cougar <OPS><CO>Yes I have, All power conduits are functioning


21:3:2 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Scanner> That was rude of you...

21:3:26 Tovan <CMO> ::activates the high def microscope and scans a cell:::

21:3:32 MaryMajor asci>::reading over the sensor scans::

21:3:3 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::nods::

21:3:3 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::feels a little sick:: <XO>Mind I go see the doc?

21:3:44 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Scanner> You know as well as I do that I am just doing

my job.

21:3:46 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CSCI> Okay

21:3:4 Tachyon <CENG>::nods:: Good . . . recalibration is almost complete . . .

21:3: Tovan <CMO> hmmm ::makes very short pointed notes::

21:36:12 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner><TAC> Bleep.

21:36:16 Tachyon <CENG>::checks what is next on his maintenance to-do list:: Shield

protocol. Hmm . . .

21:36:24 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::hopes Co heard his response::

21:36:29 Tachyon <CENG>::walks over to the deflector console and accesses shield


21:36:41 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><OPS> Good, good

21:36:43 Tovan <CMO> ::takes a very sharp metal pin and japs into the cell membrane::

21:36:4 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Scanner> Please. I KNOW there's nothing out there.

But if I don't perform manual scans, the CO gets angry.

21:36:0 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>That beep is getting annoying!

21:36:0 STSF_Sketti <CO> <OPS> Very good. Make a note to inform me, in the future, of

progress when I have made a direct inquiry.

21:37:07 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Notices a slight skirmish between two crewman,

quickly breaks it up::

21:37:09 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::glancing around:: And what is that infernal beeping?

21:37:13 MaryMajor asci> ::watches the csci leave, looking at the xo::

21:37:13 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Walks to TL:: Sickbay ::exits, fearing the what's going to

happen next, walks into Sickbay::

21:37:13 Tachyon <CENG>::begins reconfiguration::

21:37:23 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> You wanted me to perform manual scans, sir...

21:37:39 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> Ah, the computer is throwing a tantrum again?

21:37:40 Captain_Cougar <OPS><CO>I believe that was Wing-of-no-Wing making those

annoying sounds

21:37:41 Tovan <CMO> hm... ::injects a mitochondria paralyzer agent into the cell::

21:37:47 Tovan <CMO> ::records notes::

21:37:4 Dr._MCH <CSCI><CMO>Hello Dr. Tovan, can you give me something for this


21:37:8 Tachyon <CENG>::looks up the nominal configuration:: Let's see . . . that was

before that tiny upgrade we got to correct the harmonic imbalance. Hmm . . . they really should

update these manuals.

21:38:00 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> You could say that, sir.

21:38:17 Tovan <CMO> ::notes the door opened and jolts, piercing the cell's nucleus::

21:38:17 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> <TAC> You want the CENG to take a look at it?

21:38:20 Tovan <CMO> ah!

21:38:21 Tachyon <CENG>::sets the nominal configuration, compensating for the harmonic


21:38:28 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><XO> No, it's operating properly.

21:38:31 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> ::nods:: Good. Sometimes the computer needs to be

riled. Continue with those manual scans.

21:38:38 Dr._MCH <CSCI><CMO>Doctor?

21:38:43 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><TAC> Very well.. is there no way too turn off the


21:38:4 Tovan <CMO> ::turns to see the CSCI:: congratulations you just helped me killed a


21:38:7 MaryMajor asci>::leans into the computer screen::

21:38:9 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::is very annoyed from the beeping::

21:39:03 Tovan <CMO><CSCI> any way, sit over there ::point::

21:39:13 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><XO> Nope. Safety regulations...all the consoles bleep

when you press the buttons, it's just a matter of intensity.

21:39:26 Tachyon <CENG>::resets shield reactors and observes results:: Interesting. It

appears that I've managed to undo that major upgrade we got to the graviton emitters . . . just


21:39:3 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Notices that one of the skirmishers was a member of

Medical,a Dr. Mays::

21:39:37 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> Very well

21:39:39 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Sits in fear::

21:40:04 Tovan <CMO> ::takes the sharp me - puts that down and grabs a med tricorder


21:40:1 Tovan <CMO> ::orbits the CSCI and scans::

21:40:17 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CMO+ Chief Marks to Dr. Tovan.

21:40:29 MaryMajor asci>::tapping computer screen adjusting information::

21:40:32 Tachyon <CENG>::sighs and assigns an engineer to reinstall the upgrade::

21:40:34 Tovan <CMO> ::taps combadge:: +<CSEC>+ thiiiissss is Dr. Tovan speaking,

21:40:41 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::looks horrified at the CMO::

21:41:07 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Gets so scared that his pants become a little wet::

21:41:08 STSF_Jami <<HINT: if you have an assistant and must leave your station, it is

customary to hand your duties to the assistant before you leave :-)>>

21:41:11 Tovan <CMO> ::finishes scans and takes out a pen:: <CSCI> follow the pen

::moves the pen::

21:41:23 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Follows the pen::

21:41:23 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CMO+ One of your Doctors, a Dr. Mays was just

involved in a little fight. Now I don't personally want to have to file all the reports on this. Care to

have a word with him later?

21:41:2 STSF_Jami <<MCH, keep it appropriate to the sim>>

21:41:37 Dr._MCH <<Sorry>>

21:41:39 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> Everything is normal. Excellent.

21:41:1 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CO> Yes sir.. just they way I like it.

21:41:2 MaryMajor asci><I will assume csci left me with his post, then. Thank you Jami>

21:41:9 Tovan <CMO>+CSEC>+ Dr. Mays? and who else?

21:42:02 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> ::nods::

21:42:07 MaryMajor asci>::reading over new information::

21:42:19 Tovan <CMO> ::nods at the scans and puts away the pen, goes away to get a


21:42:20 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::sits again:: <HELM> Mr Matrix, what percentage of this

sector have we patrolled?

21:42:20 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::looks towards Wing-of-no-Wing :: <TAC>Anything

with your manual scans?

21:42:29 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CMO+ Science Officer Cartwright. I need to

contact to CSCI next.

21:42:41 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><OPS> Nothing yet...

21:43:0 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::sighs, notices that the day has been very slow::

21:43:08 Tovan <CMO> ::inserts medication and walks back:: <CSCI> a minor gravity

distortion in your left temple, this'll clear it up

21:43:20 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::starts to shake::

21:43:20 Tachyon <CENG>::turns to the next to-do item:: Sensor palette adjustment . . .

minor resolution problem . . . I thought I already got to that . . .

21:43:26 Tovan <CMO> ::shoves the hypospray into CSCI's neck:: +CSEC>+ hm... got it

21:43:31 MaryMajor asci>::bringing up a stellar map::

21:43:33 STSF_Sketti <CO> <OPS> Are you all right, Mr Cougar?

21:43:37 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::noting his sigh::

21:43:47 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CSCI+ Marks to Chief MCH.

21:43:3 Captain_Cougar <OPS><CO>Yes, except that the day has been very slow

21:43:7 Tovan <CMO>+<CSEC>+ the CSCI in sickbay, eh

21:44:10 Dr._MCH <CSCI>+CSEC+MCH here, whacha need?

21:44:10 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CMO+ Oh... Well could you let him know Doctor?

21:44:17 Tovan <CMO> ::puts the used hypo on the tray and scans the patient again::

21:44:44 Tovan <CMO><CSCI> your assistant had a fight with mine, hm.... we need to talk

to them

21:4:08 STSF_Sketti <CO> <OPS> ::chuckles:: Well not all us ships in the Fleet can be the

Enterprise, zipping about, flying in the very face of danger.

21:4:12 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Continues walking down the corridors, whistling a


21:4:2 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::laughs::

21:4:32 Captain_Cougar <OPS><CO>True

21:4:33 Dr._MCH <CSCI><CMO>I agree, we should probably get Mr. Dustin to watch on,


21:4:39 MaryMajor asci>::reading over map, pondering::

21:4:40 Tovan <CMO><CSCI> the distortion is gone, a simple collison of nerves

21:4:0 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><OPS> EYah, and I'm sure the Enterprise too, had it's

share of slow days as well

21:46:0 Dr._MCH <CSCI><CMO>Thanks for clearing it up though

21:46:11 Tovan <CMO><CSCI> great, get Mr. Cartwright to sick bay, we'll talk here

21:46:13 Tachyon <CENG>::accesses the first sensor palette:: Ah, I see! The resolution is

maxed out . . . we should probably replace the filters soon.

21:46:16 Ladymatrix <Helm>::taps at her console checking on the status:: We've patrolled

30 percent sir. << flying guess>>

21:46:17 Captain_Cougar <OPS><XO>Well it seems to me everyday they get action

21:46:39 Tovan <CMO>+Ens May, report to sickbay,

21:46:4 Dr._MCH <CSCI>+CSEC+ Can you please escort Mr. Cartwright to Sickbay?

21:46:49 STSF_Sketti <CO> <HELM> ::nodding:: Thank you.

21:46:0 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><OPS> That's only what the news transmissions want

you to think

21:46:1 Tachyon <CENG>::turns to another engineer and tells their team to start replacing

sensor filters::

21:47:14 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> Mr Wing, send a dispatch to Starfleet Command with

a full update of our scans and percentage patrolled.

21:47:24 MaryMajor asci>::saving information from map into a tricorder::

21:47:24 Captain_Cougar <OPS><XO> oh ok. Well perhaps your right

21:47:28 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Nods to a cute Yeoman as he walks by::

21:47:48 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Aye sir. ::sends dispatch::

21:48:18 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::wonders what the CSEC is doing:: +Cartwright+ Please come

to sickbay stat <<always wanted to say that>>

21:48:26 Ladymatrix <helm> ::checks up on the eng report for the calibrating of various

drive systems::


21:48:36 Tachyon <CENG>+OPS+ Are you guys doing anything important with the

sensors? Because I'm sending some engineers to do some routine maintenance, one palette at a

time. So only one palette will go offline at any time, just giving you a heads-up.

21:48:4 MaryMajor asci>::comparing old sensor readings to saved information::

21:48:1 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Arrives at a Turbolift and calls for it::

21:48:2 Dr._MCH Cartwright>Yes sir ::reports::

21:48:6 Tovan <<nothing ?>>

21:48:9 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Im sure that these scans will be of great

importance to starfleet, and will be given a position of importance in the closet of

478902734980723098474302986734872689734 identical scans of this sector that have

accumulated since the dawn of time.

21:49:1 Captain_Cougar <OPS>+CENG+Just a standard patrol. Nothing important

21:49:18 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <<Nothing, Nada, Zilch :)>

21:49:42 Tovan Ens May> ::enters sick bay, a short individual, eh::

21:49:46 Tachyon <CENG>+OPS+ Acknowledged. Sensor palette 1 will go offline now,

everything should be distributed to palettes 4 or .

21:49:3 Tachyon <CENG>::transfers palette operations::

21:0:01 MaryMajor asci>hmm, nothing new here..

21:0:04 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> ::smiles:: Yes, I'm sure they will. And we will do what

we were ordered. Such is life in Starfleet.

21:0:06 Dr._MCH <CSCI><CSEC>Can you please assist the CMO with an investigation? I

must report to the bridge ::reports to the bridge::

21:0:27 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Sits in science place's chair, does nothing::

21:0:29 MaryMajor asci>::comparing new information::

21:0:33 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Amen to that ::drinks an imaginary beer::

21:0:33 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +CSCI+ Aye Chief. ::In TL:: Sickbay.

21:0:44 Tovan <CMO> ::shows the junior officers to the office::

21:0:48 Captain_Cougar <OPS><XO>I always thought Starfleet would be action. But now

I have learned what true Starfleet is.

21:0:49 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::chuckle::

21:0:7 MaryMajor asci>::noticing the csci reenter::

21:1:0 MaryMajor asci> Welcome back, chief

21:1:09 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::presses button::

21:1:1 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner> Bleep.

21:1:1 Tachyon <CENG>::begins realigning the resolution determinants while the engineers

replace the physical filters::

21:1:2 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><OPS> Yes.. when you move onto a new ship after you

graduate, you may find yourself in this very same situation

21:1:26 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC> Presses button again::

21:1:26 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ASCI>Hello Mr. MaryMajor

21:1:29 Captain_Cougar <OPS><XO>I think this is better than fighting a Borg cube right

now though.

21:1:40 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Arrives in sickbay and walks in.:: <CMO> Can I help

you with something Doctor?

21:1:2 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner><TAC> BLEEP! (translation: same thing, darnit!!!!!)

21:2:00 Tovan <CMO><CSEC> ok ... they're in there right now, lets go, eh

21:2:01 MaryMajor asci> ::politely smiles::

21:2:07 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI>Sorry about not relinquishing command to you, had a

terrible headache

21:2:14 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Puts on his game face and follows the CMO::

21:2:21 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>Well there is that bleep again!

21:2:24 Tovan <CMO> ::smirks at Dustin and enters the office::

21:2:2 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> Have you considered reconfiguring the weapons

systems to maximize efficiency?

21:2:29 Tachyon <CENG>::resets palette 1::

21:2:38 MaryMajor asci><csci> That's all water under the bridge. How are you feeling


21:2:9 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::Taps console:: <ACSI> Best get a report for the Captain, eh?

::begins to scan surroundings:: I'm fine now though

21:3:03 Tachyon <CENG>+OPS+ Palette 1 should now be online with nominal resolution.

Palette 2 is offline, functions being delegated to palettes 3 and 4.

21:3:12 Tachyon <CENG>::takes palette 2 offline::

21:3:12 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> I finished the last bit of that a couple of hours ago,


21:3:16 Tovan <CMO> ::to Cartwright:: ok ... start from the beginning ... what happened,

no interruptions

21:3:18 Captain_Cougar <OPS>+OPS+Please inform me when you have completed your


21:3:29 Captain_Cougar <<whoops that to CENG>>

21:3:31 MaryMajor asci><csci> Very good. Actually, I have a report ready for your

approval to show the captain right here..

21:3:6 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Stands behind the Doc and looks to Cartwright::

21:4:04 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI> Excellent cadet, let me see it ::takes PADD, hums::

21:4:06 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> Ah, I see. In that case, continue with the supplemental

manual scans.

21:4:08 MaryMajor asci>::hands him a science padd::

21:4:14 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Aye, sir.

21:4:23 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::presses button again as ordered::

21:4:24 Tovan <CMO> ::crosses arms and listened to the talk::

21:4:34 MaryMajor asci><csci> It just needs your Billy Graham..

21:4:39 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::waits for the annoying bleep::

21:4:2 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Sighs when it is learned the fight was over a woman::

21:4:4 MaryMajor asci>::smiling again, and returning attention to computer screen::

21::0 Tovan <CMO> ::raises an eyebrow at Marks::

21::0 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner><TAC> Now why would you have to do that? It's really

quite unnecessary! I mean, really, who are you kidding?!?!? (What it actually said was "Bleep",

but this is what TAC hears)

21::18 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI>Its good, but you forgot to run a temporal drift scan,

short-range ::taps console, adds to PADD:: Now it should be fine <XO>Here's another report sir

::Hands him a PADD::

21::29 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CSCI> What is this for?

21::41 MaryMajor asci><csci> Well, I am glad you caught that.

21::49 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Scanner> Bleep to you, too!

21::1 Tovan <CMO><CSEC> hm.... thoughts?

21::6 Dr._MCH <CSCI><XO>Its just a routine scan, short-range sir

21::6 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> :;takes this other PADD::

21:6:01 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Motion for the CMO to move to the corner with

him:: <CMO> Your call Doc

21:6:06 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::presses buttons::


21:6:1 Tachyon <CENG>::finishes with palette 2::

21:6:17 Captain_Cougar <OPS>:: watches Wing-of-no-Wing talk to scanners::

21:6:19 STSF_Jami ::dramatic music:::

21:6:19 Tovan <CMO> ::whispers:: lets get the other side of story::

21:6:22 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> <CSCI> I See.. ::places it in the pile of other PADDS::



21:6:34 MaryMajor asci>::adding temporal drift scanning to check list.::

21:6:40 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner> Bleep.

21:6:43 Tachyon <CENG>::takes palette 3 offline:: +OPS+ Palette 2 is online. Palette 3 is

offline, delegating to palettes 1 and .

21:6:1 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::starts to wonder if Wing-of-no-Wing is insane::

21:6:4 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Scanner> *BLEEP* you, too!!!!!!!

21:6: Tovan <CMO> ok Ens. May, whats your story

21:7:0 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Listens to Mays side of the story::

21:7:21 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> Now now, Mr Wing.. let's kick it down a notch. You

are on a Federation starship Bridge.

21:7:24 Tovan <CMO> ::learns that Cartwright was actually May's good buddy::

21:7:30 Tachyon <CENG>::begins boosting resolution on sensor palette 3::

21:7:39 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Sorry sir, it's that bleeping sound...

21:7:42 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::sits down, looking over at the assistant:: <ACSI>Haven't seen

you here lately, you new?

21:7:47 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner> Bleep?

21:7:2 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC> Yeah, that.

21:8:04 MaryMajor asci><csci> :looking at mch, confused::

21:8:0 Tovan <CMO> ::looks at Marks:: hmmmm

21:8:1 MaryMajor asci>am I on candid camera?

21:8:17 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC>::Nods:: Well I will tell you two what.

21:8:30 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Oh, by the way...scans still have nothing to report.

21:8:32 Tovan <CMO>:: listens to Dustin's solution:

21:8:38 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI>No, just wondering

21:8:48 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>So all that bleeping for nothing?

21:8:0 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> Ah. Thank you, Mr. Wing. Excellent work.

21:8:8 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> We will do this the 23rd Century way. You two will

meet in the Holodeck in two hours. We will settle this via a boxing match. I will supervise and last

man standing will decide what gets to be done. Fair?

21:9:0 MaryMajor asci><csci> I have been here for the last hour, same as you, chief..

21:9:13 Tachyon <CENG>::resets palette 3:: +OPS+ Right, you know the drill by now.

Palette 4 is offline, palettes 2 and have taken over.

21:9:23 Tovan <CMO> ::chuckles::

21:9:28 Tovan <CMO> the loser comes to sickbay

21:9:40 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::snickers too as the two start to balk at the idea::

22:00:02 Tovan <CMO><CSEC> good? i'm ok with it

22:00:12 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI>No, I meant on the ship, how long have you been on

the ship?

22:00:17 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> <CMO> Me too.

22:00:31 Tovan <CMO> ::nods:: dismissed, you two

22:00:36 STSF_Sketti <CO> ::stands::

22:00:38 Tachyon <CENG>::finishes:: +OPS+ , 1, 2.

22:00:43 MaryMajor asci> OH, I understand now. oh, I suppose a few months, if memory


22:00:8 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Watches the two leave:: <CMO> Well, in two hours,

they will be the best fo friends. ::Smiles::

22:01:10 Captain_Cougar <OPS>+CENG+ is your maintenance done?

22:01:19 Tovan <CMO> ::smirks:: oh yeah

22:01:27 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> Let's have all departments report in. I want to know

the status of the ship.

22:01:30 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> ::looks to CO::

22:01:33 Tovan <CMO><CSEC> how are you coping with the same problem?

22:01:37 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO> Aye sir..

22:01:38 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI> Interesting, ::taps console:: <XO> Sir, I did another

scan, but ever since the PADD shortage, I'll just tell you that, there is nothing to report

22:01:40 Tachyon <CENG>::finishes with palette :: +OPS+ All sensor maintenance

completed, eh. Have a nice day.

22:01:1 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Raises an eyebrow:: What do you mean?

22:01:7 Captain_Cougar <OPS>+CENG+ thanks and you have a nice day too

22:02:00 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO>+Dep't Heads+ Please report in your statuses at this


22:02:03 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::presses button::

22:02:04 Tachyon <CENG>+CSCI+ I just increased the resolution to the sensors, try them

out now.

22:02:06 Tovan <CMO> ::smirks:: nothing ::walks out of sickbay::

22:02:24 Tovan <CMO> ::knows he has that problem that is yet to be solved::

22:02:2 Tachyon <CENG>+XO+ Just doing routine maintenance, I increased sensor

resolution so that you guys could all have fun getting more detailed scans, eh.

22:02:26 Wing-of-no-Wing <Scanner> ::pleeB backwards...::

22:02:26 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Thinks the doctor is referring to their past "fight"::

22:02:32 Dr._MCH <CSCI>+CENG+ Sure thing, ::tries scanners:: Work just like before

22:02:38 MaryMajor asci>::reading over the sensor comparison I was working on earlier:::

22:02:44 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> +XO+ Just doing basic routine work. Nothing

speciual to report.

22:02:46 Tachyon <CENG>+CSCI+ Great, that was the look I was going for.

22:02:47 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><SCANNER> that would be "Beelp"

22:02:3 Captain_Cougar <OPS><XO> All systems are functioning properly and no

problems from me

22:02: Tovan <CMO> ::walks back into sickbay::

22:02:9 Dr._MCH <CSCI>+CENG+ Sure thing

22:03:06 Tovan <CMO> ok ... that was totally random

22:03:19 Tovan <CMO>+<XO>+ all sickbay systems are fine, no one is sick at the moment

22:03:19 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Sir, there's something out there. It's.... (dramatic


22:03:21 Tachyon <CENG>::notes that his to-do list has reached transporters::

22:03:27 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Space. Sir.

22:03:41 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> And a lot of it, too.

22:03:0 MaryMajor asci>::entering new sensor information::

22:04:14 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::scans short-range:: Oh gosh! No, it can't

be..............no...........::sighs:: Nothing

22:04:18 Tachyon <CENG>::moves on to the transporter console:: Now, Ensign Larry the

3rd reported that there was trouble with the targeting scanners. Let's see if my resoultion helped .

. .

22:04:2 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Do you ever wonder why they sent a starship to

do this, and not a little patrol craft or something?

22:04:28 Tachyon <CENG>::checks:: Hmm . . .

22:04:41 Tachyon <CENG>::grabs an engineering kit and informs Mordac that he will be in

the TR::

22:04:46 Lt(sg)_Hans_Seiben <XO><CO> All departments have reported in.. all systems


22:04:47 Tovan <CMO><CSEC> soo ... while you're here would you like a... ::dun dun

dun:; a physical?

22:04:49 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>They had to put us somewhere

22:04:1 Tachyon <CENG>::heads for TR2::

22:04:2 MaryMajor asci>::watching csci, concerned::

22:04:8 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> <CMO> Sure

22:0:04 Tovan <CMO> Muahahahahahaha!

22:0:09 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Ops> Bleep.

22:0:14 MaryMajor asci><csci>maybe you should see the counselor

22:0:1 Tovan <CMO> ::clears throat::

22:0:17 Dr._MCH <CSCI>::sees MaryMajor watching him:: <ACSI>Nothing to see here

22:0:19 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><Ops> err I mean...I guess they did.

22:0:21 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Sits on a bio-bed and draws his phaser:: <CMO> Be


22:0:23 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>Thats annoying

22:0:27 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC>::glares at SCANNER::

22:0:27 MaryMajor asci><csci> indeed

22:0:34 Tachyon <CENG>::enters TR2 and walks over to the storage facility::

22:0:43 STSF_Sketti <CO> <XO> Very good.

22:0:44 Tachyon <CENG>::takes out a biological test canister and places it on the pad::

22:0:4 Tovan <CMO> ::nods and gets out tricorder, pen and flashlight::

22:0: Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI>I wish we had one, maybe the doctor ::flinches::, can help


22:0:8 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><OPS> This is not why I joined Starfleet.

22:06:01 Tachyon <CENG>::walks over to the operator station and targets sickbay::

22:06:03 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> ::grins:: Sometimes, yes.. but if we find something,

better us to handle it than a small craft.

22:06:09 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC>I hope not

22:06:12 Tachyon <CENG>::beams the canister to sickbay::

22:06:12 Tovan <CMO> ::taps on the biobed and begins scanning::

22:06:26 MaryMajor asci><csci> would you like me to go with you?

22:06:32 Captain_Cougar <OPS>::smiles at WIng::

22:06:36 Tovan <CMO> have you felt physically ill for the pass 2 months?

22:06:7 Tachyon <CENG> . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . oh wait, that's a wormhole . . .

22:06:8 Wing-of-no-Wing <TAC><CO> Would you like me to perform another manual

scan, sir?

22:06:9 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC><CMO> Yeah, yeah, stomach pain and a shooting pain

through my arm.

22:07:00 Tovan <CMO> ::notes some stuff beamed into sickbay::

22:07:14 Tachyon <CENG>+CMO+ Eh, did you receive a canister? I beamed it there as a

transporter test?

22:07:2 Dr._MCH <CSCI><ACSI>No, I don't I want to see what would happen

there.....::pauses::........maybe the XO or CO can help me

22:07:31 Tovan <CMO>+<CENG>+ yup ... you can have them back now

22:07:3 Dr._Dustin_Marks <CSEC> ::Looks at the canister that materizied on his head::

22:07:3 Captain_Cougar <OPS><TAC> Can't you just do an automatic scan?

22:07:36 STSF_Sketti <CO> <TAC> That won't be necessary. ;)

22:07:40 STSF_Sketti PAUSE SIM >=<>=<>=<>=<

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