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Duty and Personal Logs

"I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately triumph than to triumph in a cause that will ultimately fail."

- Woodrow Wilson



TO: Commodore Moose, Commander Moore, Lt. Mauturin

CC: Engineering Department


>> While checking the code of the computer's programming, I found and fixed several errors made by whoever programmed the computer core in the first place. I believe all problems have been found and fixed, though it will take a few days till my scanning program has double-checked every line of code. Otherwise, all systems are looking A-OK, and I was even able to tap into Shuttle 1's system and watch it's progress from Engineering.





-Begin Recording-


>> What should have been a normal day in Engineering started out with something no one ever wants to go through....saying good-bye to someone forever. Though I did'nt know Ensign Lucky well, Jerry did. We've already lost one member of the crew, how many more funerals will we have to go through?

Edited by Aaron_Westler

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