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The History of the USS Manticore, NCC 5852

Mission Briefings - 2001


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #140, STARDATE 50101.08 =/\=

Manticore has just destroyed Starbase 18. Under the direct command of Admiral Pita, the ship attacked the ill-equipped fleet of the Traalfam who were attacking the starbase. A single shot from Manticore caused a Traalfam vessel to spin out of control. A (un)lucky shot from that Traalfam ship hit an incoming freighter that was probably carrying questionably-legal Dilithium. The ensuing explosion destroyed the freighter, the Traalfam attack force and the starbase itself.

An angry A9 put the Admiral in the brig. Science and Engineering and Tactical are working to examine the event again, discover the trajectory of the Traalfam ships.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #141, STARDATE 50101.15 =/\=

The Manticore has destroyed Starbase 18. Under the direct command of Admiral Pita, stationed at the base, but on the ship at the time, we attacked the ill equipped fleet of the Traalfam who were attacking the starbase. A single shot from Manticore caused a Traalfam vessel to spin out of control. One shot from that Traalfam ship hit an incoming freighter that was probably carrying questionably-legal Dilithium. The ensuing explosion destroyed the freighter, the Traalfam attack force and the starbase itself. The crew is investigating the chain of events while Admiral Pita is under arrest. Commodore Atragon-9 has relinquished command of the ship, due to his complicity and emotional strain. Before anyone could stop him, he has launched in the Wyvern and remains near the ship, with Chief Ryan pursuing in the Griffin.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #142, STARDATE 50101.22 =/\=

The Manticore has destroyed Starbase 18 under the direct command of Admiral Pita, stationed at the base, but on the ship at the time. We attacked the ill equipped fleet of the Traalfam who were attacking the starbase. A single shot from Manticore on a Traalfam fighter caused a chain of events resulting in the destruction of the Traalfam, a freighter carrying questionably-legal Dilithium and the starbase itself. The crew is investigating the chain of events while Admiral Pita is under arrest. At the same time, Commodore Atragon-9, having relinquished command of the ship, launched in the Wyvern and forced Chief Ryan to fire on his runabout before he would return to Manticore. He is now under protective custody in Sickbay undergoing a psychological examination.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #143, STARDATE 50101.29 =/\=

The Manticore has destroyed Starbase 18 under the direct command of Admiral Pita, stationed at the base, but on the ship at the time. We attacked the ill equipped fleet of the Traalfam who were attacking the starbase. A single shot from Manticore on a Traalfam fighter caused a chain of events resulting in the destruction of the Traalfam, a freighter carrying questionably-legal Dilithium and the starbase itself. The crew has followed the trail of their ships back to a small planetary system. Admiral Pita, in the brig since the explosion, has disappeared from his cell and Security is beginning a search. At the same time, Commodore Atragon-9, having relinquished command of the ship and taken the Wyvern out of the ship for a short time, is now under protective custody in Sickbay undergoing a psychological examination.



=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #144, STARDATE 50102.05 =/\=

The Manticore, having destroyed Starbase 18 under the direct command of Admiral Pita has arrived at the possible home system of the Traalfam. They were attempting to attack the base when it was destroyed and they are the best clue to how the base was destroyed with one low- power phaser shot. Admiral Pita, now discovered to be a changeling, has disappeared from his cell in the brig and attempted to mimic Commodore Atragon-9 on the Bridge. A lock-down and search are commencing for him as he may have escaped the Bridge as well. Commodore Atragon-9 has relinquished command of the ship to Captain Sovak and is working through his grief over killing the personnel on the starbase.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #145, STARDATE 50102.12 =/\=

The Manticore, having destroyed Starbase 18 under the direct command of Admiral Pita has arrived at the possible home system of the Traalfam. They were attempting to attack the base when it was destroyed and they are the best clue to how the base was destroyed with one low- power phaser shot. Admiral Pita, now discovered to be a changeling, has eluded capture and succeeded in both transporting a second changeling aboard from the surface and seizing control of the ship from the Battle Bridge. Commodore Atragon-9 has relinquished command of the ship to Captain Sovak and is working through his grief over killing the personnel on the starbase.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #146, STARDATE 50102.19 =/\=

The Manticore, having destroyed Starbase 18 under the direct command of Admiral Pita has arrived at the possible home system of the Traalfam, the supposed attackers of the base. Admiral Pita, now discovered to be a changeling, has eluded capture and succeeded in both transporting a second changeling aboard from the surface and seizing control of the ship from the Battle Bridge. In order to drop the ship out of warp 9.8, the crew succeeded in ejecting the warp cores while in flight. Now the two fighters have launched from the ship on an unspoken mission while the changelings, as retribution for the ejected cores, have cut off life support to the Bridge. Commodore Atragon-9 has relinquished command of the ship to Captain Sovak and is working through his grief over killing the personnel on the starbase, even though it was under the orders

of a changeling.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #147, STARDATE 50102.26 =/\=

The Manticore is now limping to the nearest starbase with a hole blown through the rear of deck 9 by our own fighters. This was necessary to rid the ship of two powerful changelings who had taken over the ship and were controlling it from the Battle Bridge.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #148, STARDATE 50103.05 =/\=

The Manticore is now docked at Starbase 63 with a repair crew working on the hole blown through the rear of deck 9 by our own fighters. This was necessary to rid the ship of two powerful changelings who had taken over the ship and were controlling it from the Battle Bridge. All crew members not involved in critical repair supervision are granted shore leave. Commodore Atragon-9 is remaining on the Bridge to supervise the overall resupply and reconfiguration.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #149, STARDATE 50103.12 =/\=

The Manticore has left Starbase 63 for a routine patrol. The crew all notice that they have been daydreaming and snap back to attention and to their tasks, but something is wrong. Everyone feels sore and tired. Looking at their hands they notice they look older, wrinkled, age-spotted, and stiff. As the crew looks at their reflections from console surfaces, they see themselves looking old — decades older than they should be. They also notice that their uniforms are slightly different in design and that each of them has advanced in rank. Some find themselves in unusual locations and/or posts on the ship, surrounded by crew who are strangers to them. One member of the crew particularly disoriented is Commander Farrington, who finds herself wearing captain's pips and sitting in the CO's ready room, which is decorated with her personal belongings.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #150, STARDATE 52103.19 =/\=

The Manticore has been asked to aid the Mah in their fight against

the Gobu by giving them a Planet Killer and details on use and deployment. Many of the senior officers seem at odds with the current status as if they have just awakened from a LONG deep sleep.

USS MANTICORE - NCC-5852 - Sim Crew Roster 2110.23

Crew Compliment: 19 of 19


Commanding Officer, Captain Jami Farrington

Executive (First) Officer: Commander Jadon Seir

Second Officer: Commander Jade Garrett

Special Intelligence Officer: Major General Jeff Corran


Operations Officer: Lieutenant Commander Nywoe Ailadna

Nav/Helm: Lieutenant Commander Satchel "Sage" Wilkins


Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Commander Noras Bren

Engineer: Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Saleya Trean

Engineer: Ensign Henrietta Stanley


Chief Medical Officer: Second Officer: Commander Jade Garrett

Medical Officer: Lieutenant Commander Jim Nettekoven

Medical Officer: Ensign Tiffany Hiltor

Counselor: Lieutenant Commander Salias Trinius


Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Commander Hideyoshii Kesh

Science Officer/Environmental Sciences Specialist: Ensign Rob Roberts

Science Officer/Astrophysics Specialist: Ensign Adoy {DAY}


Security Chief: Colonel (Marine) Eden Xyianh

Security Officer: Major (Marine) Gabriel Hunter

Security Officer/Griffin Pilot: 2nd Lieutenant (Marine) Kelly Murdoch

Security Officer/Wyvern Pilot: 2nd Lieutenant (Marine) Ghoti Cranston


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #151, STARDATE 52103.26 =/\=

The Manticore has been asked to aid the Mah in their fight against the Gobu by giving them a Planet Killer and details on use and deployment. Many of the senior officers seem at odds with the current status as if they have just awakened from a LONG deep sleep.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #152, STARDATE 52104.02 =/\=

The Manticore has been asked to aid the Mah in their fight against the Gobu by giving them a Planet Killer and details on use and deployment. Many of the senior officers seem at odds with the current status as if they have just awakened from a LONG deep sleep. They also seem highly suspicious of the younger officers and have excluded them from a meeting. The only senior member missing from the meeting is Colonel Xyianh.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #153, STARDATE 52104.09 =/\=

The Manticore has been asked to aid the Mah in their fight against the Gobu by giving them a Planet Killer and details on use and deployment. Many of the senior officers seem at odds with the current status as if they have just awakened from a LONG deep sleep. They have become highly suspicious of the younger officers and decided there is a plot against them. Things are quickly unraveling.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #154, STARDATE 50104.16 =/\=

The Manticore has been asked to aid the Mah in their fight against the Gobu by giving them a Planet Killer and details on use and deployment. It turns out, however, that the Mah have constructed some sort of holosuite image of the ship and are just trying to extract information about the Planet Killers from the crew. The crew, some prematurely aged, are being held in a Medical lock-down and must think of a way out before the Mah try and fool some of the crew into helping them use Top Secret ordnance.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #155, STARDATE 50104.23 =/\=

The Manticore has been abducted by the Mah and different groups of the command crew have been subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer ordnance and how to use it. The command crew has escaped, they think, to a hideout of the Mah underground. Many on the crew wonder if this is simply another simulation in order to get them to help the Mah. Upon arriving at the hideout, the group is surrounded by a large group of heavily armed Mah. From the frying pan...


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #156, STARDATE 50104.30 =/\=

The Manticore has been abducted by the Mah and different groups of the command crew were subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer ordnance and how to use it. The command crew has escaped to a hideout of the Mah underground and met up with a leader known as Talon. Many on the crew wonder if this is simply another simulation in order to get them to help the Mah.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #157, STARDATE 50105.07 =/\=

The Manticore has been abducted by the Mah and different groups of the command crew were subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer ordnance and how to use it. The command crew has escaped to a hideout of the Mah underground and met up with a leader known as Talon. They have made their way to the ground base for the orbiting space dock where the ship is moored and are now hiding in cargo containers bound for Manticore. Many on the crew wonder if this is simply another simulation in order to get them to help the Mah.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #158, STARDATE 50105.14 =/\=

The Manticore has been abducted by the Mah and different groups of the command crew were subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer ordnance and how to use it. The command crew escaped to a hideout of the Mah underground and met up with a leader known as Talon. Talon has helped secret them in cargo containers bound for Manticore. After much tension and worry, the crew believes the crates have been delivered to one of the Manticore's cargo bays. Many on the crew wonder if this is simply another simulation in order to get them to help the Mah.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #159, STARDATE 50105.21 =/\=

The Manticore has been abducted by the Mah and different groups of the command crew were subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer ordnance and how to use it. The command crew escaped with the help of the Mah underground and has secreted themselves back into one of the Manticore's cargo bays. They have split into three groups and will attempt to send out a distress call and take over Sickbay as a base of covert ops (inside a covert ops vessel.) Many on the crew wonder if this is simply another simulation in order to get them to help the Mah.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #160, STARDATE 50105.28 =/\=

The Manticore has been sucked through a temporal and physical anomaly and all current events are moot. The ship finds itself in Sector 001, in perfect condition and with no mission pending.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #161, STARDATE 50106.04 =/\=

The Manticore has been abducted by the Mah and different groups of the command crew were subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer ordnance and how to use it. The command crew escaped with the help of the Mah underground and has secreted themselves back into one of the Manticore's cargo bays. They have split into three groups and are attempting to send out a distress call and take over Sickbay as a base of our guerilla ops.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #162, STARDATE 50106.11 =/\=

The Manticore's crew, having been abducted by the Mah and subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer, has escaped with the help of the Mah underground and has secreted themselves back onto the ship. They split into three groups and attempted to send out a distress call and take over Sickbay as a base of our guerilla ops. Two groups were captured and the third one succeeded in cutting power/lights throughout the ship.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #163, STARDATE 50106.18 =/\=

The Manticore's crew, having been abducted by the Mah and subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer, has escaped with the help of the Mah underground and has secreted themselves back onto the ship. They have escaped from our own brig and are attempting to retake Manticore from the Mah.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #164, STARDATE 50106.25 =/\=

The Manticore's crew, after been abducted by the Mah and subjected to false environments in an attempt to reveal the secret of the Planet Killer, has retaken the ship. Just as the Mah were defeated, four Consul General ships have shown up (we did call for help, after all) and and proceeded to destroy Manticore's power, propulsion, weapons, transport and sensor systems. We sit dead in space, unable to see, move defend ourselves or escape - all at the hands of our allies.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #165, STARDATE 50107.02 =/\=

The Mah threat is now simply a bad, BAAD memory. After defeating them onboard the Manticore, we were "rescued" by the Consul General's forces. Thanks to their deliberate measures, we have had to been towed to CG Spacedock 9 where our ship will be put right for all that they "done us wrong." I always pause to wonder what new "toys" they might outfit the ship with, while we're here. To use references from the old 2-D vids of the 1900's, these places are a cross between Q's laboratory in Great Britain and the cleaning/stuffing/buffing rooms of the Emerald City. Now if I can only relax...


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #166, STARDATE 50107.09 =/\=

The Manticore has now been towed to CG Spacedock 9 where our ship will be set right for all that our comrades in Black Ops did to us. I always pause to wonder what new "toys" they might outfit the ship with, while we're here. The Consul General herself is at the dock and has invited all LtCmdrs and above and all department heads to a dinner meeting. RSVPs are not needed as

attendance does not seem to be optional.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #167, STARDATE 50107.16 =/\=

The Manticore is currently at the private CG Spacedock 9 where our ship will be set right for all that our comrades in Black Ops did to us. The Consul General herself is at the dock and has now told the command staff that she will be stepping down from her position and that we should be wary of her likely successor, a man named Melville.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #168, STARDATE 50107.23 =/\=

The Manticore is preparing to leave CG Spacedock 9 having been set right for all that our comrades in Black Ops did to us and loaded down with many new, and untested, toys. The Consul General has now been replaced with a man not friendly to our mission, George Melville. We do not have a specific mission, besides keeping out of his way and off his mind.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #169, STARDATE 50107.30 =/\=

The Manticore has left CG Spacedock 9 to begin a patrol and test out the newly installed "toys," including deployable armor, enhanced cloak, new warp intermix, advanced sensor systems, upgraded replicators and interphasic flechette torpedos. The new Consul General, George Melville, is watching us closely for signs of weakness.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #170, STARDATE 50108.06 =/\=

The Manticore is on patrol and testing out the newly installed "toys," including deployable armor, enhanced cloak, new warp intermix, advanced sensor systems, upgraded replicators and interphasic flechette torpedos. So far, they are more hindrance then help as they are full of mechanical problems. I hope we are not called into action before we can get these new enhancements working and free of their undocumented system features.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #171, STARDATE 50108.13 =/\=

The Manticore, on patrol and testing out some newly installed "toys," has responded to a distress call from an Akira-class vessel. The USS Replicant had lost it's power plant and needed us to tow it to a starbase. After mastering most of our own mechanical problems, we have grabbed the Replicant with a tractor beam and are en route to Starbase 90.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #172, STARDATE 50108.20 =/\=

The Manticore is ordered to Risa as part of a Fleet wide celebration of the admission of the Kratli Star Group into the Federation. Senior staff will be attending a ceremony for the Kratli, and the rest of the crew have shore leave and are ordered to take as much off ship R & R as they can during this short respite.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #173, STARDATE 50108.26 =/\=

The Manticore is in orbit at Risa as part of a Fleet wide celebration of the admission of the Kratli Star Group into the Federation. Senior staff has just attended a ceremony for the Kratli, while the rest of the crew have already begun their shore leave. The Senior Staff is now enjoying full shore leave privileges as well.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #174, STARDATE 50109.03 =/\=

The Manticore has just left Risa following a surprise attack of the Fleet at this location The ship took minimal damage, but did sustain some direct hits. Fleet Command has ordered us away from Risa to minimize our risk and to regroup and await further orders. I fear for the safety of Risa with this enemy fleet, but our ships may have been the target after all.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #175, STARDATE 50109.10 =/\=

The Manticore has just completed repairs on most of the systems affected by the surprise attack of the Fleet at Risa The ship took minimal damage, but did sustain some direct hits. Fleet Command ordered us away from Risa to minimize our risk, regroup and await further orders. Now we wait for redeployment, eager to engage this new enemy.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #176, STARDATE 50109.17 =/\=

The Manticore has towed the USS Garnet to a repair base and has now been assigned to escort duty for a Tholian transport ship headed for Starbase 123. The attacks by the unknown enemy continue and the crew is tense, but prepared, all we need now is a target.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #177, STARDATE 50109.24 =/\=

The Manticore in orbit at Starbase 123, working on deploying a modified Tholian Web in hopes of finding a new defense against the enemy.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #178, STARDATE 50110.01 =/\=

The Manticore is flying patrol around Renaissance Station using long range sensor sweeps to look for enemy ships or probes.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #179, STARDATE 50110.08 =/\=

The Manticore continues to monitor the area around Renaissance Station using long range sensor sweeps. The USS Illustrator, under command of Captain Kaikatsu, has delivered more detailed information on the enemy, the Toran'ir. The activity of the Toran'ir seems to be increasing and the Fleet is warning the Task Forces to be ready for more skirmishes.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #180, STARDATE 50110.15 =/\=

The Manticore continues to patrol near Renaissance Station after defeating some Toran'ir fighters and transports. The repair crews are working quickly to bring all the shields to full strength in preparation for further encounters with the enemy.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #181, STARDATE 50110.22 =/\=

The Manticore has been ordered to the Gusta Nebula in the Neutral Zone to make contact with Task Force 510 and receive further detailed orders against the Toran'ir.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #182, STARDATE 50110.29 =/\=

The Manticore has been ordered to the Gusta Nebula in the NZ to make contact with Task Force 510. Once there, we proceeded, under cloak, to a Toran'ir communications relay and proceeded to attack it. We are currently evading the defending ships as we maneuver for one last shot at the array.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #183, STARDATE 50111.05 =/\=

The Manticore has just destroyed a Toran'ir communications relay and some of the enemy ships guarding it. The ship is now en route to RV-ALPHA to regroup with the rest of Task Force 110 and prepare for a large offensive.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #184, STARDATE 50111.12 =/\=

The Manticore is now at RV-ALPHA and hoping to join in a large offensive against the Toran'ir. The fleet has found that the enemy is regrouping and resupplying and doesn't know the disposition of our Task Forces now - it is the best time to attack.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #185, STARDATE 50111.19 =/\=

With the enemy defeated, the war - as short as it was, yet how and crew battle-weary, is now making its way to a safe haven to repair what we can, replace what we cannot and forego what is forever lost.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #186, STARDATE 50111.26 =/\=

The Manticore has completed its stopover at the repair base at Deep Space 18 and has been released for regular duty. The crew has spent the week resting and is ready to resume their duties as well.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #187, STARDATE 50112.03 =/\=

The Manticore, in investigating a report of hostile activities, has been "attacked" by the barely warp-capable society of the Ydam. One of their ships fired on us without provocation. Their weapons are completely ineffective, but they still demanded our surrender. We remain in orbit while we decide how best to deal with the Ydam.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #188, STARDATE 50112.10 =/\=

The Manticore, in investigating a report of hostile activities, has been "attacked" by the barely warp-capable society of the Ydam. Their ships have fired on us without provocation. Although their weapons are ineffective, they still demanded our surrender. We remain in orbit while we decide how best to deal with the Ydam and await any further instructions from the Fleet.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #189, STARDATE 50112.17 =/\=

The Manticore, in investigating a report of hostile activities, has been "attacked" by the barely warp-capable society of the Ydam. Their ships fired on us without provocation and, although their weapons are ineffective, they demanded our surrender. After failing to reason with them, we attempted to leave the system. The Ydam blocked our way and, after we disabled their engines,

we were rammed by two of their drifting ships. With their hulls destabilized, we transported the crews to Cargo Bay 2 for a debriefing.

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