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Spelunking the plasma conduits.

Engineer officer's duty log:

Ensign Daryus Williams:


Started my shift on a somber note. We paid our final respect's and bid farewell to Ensign Lucky. We placed his ashes in a torpedo and sent it into the sun of this new world we've discovered. After the service, I went to ME and started my shift. Westler, Graham and I saluted the late engineer Lucky and went to work. I proceeded to give the plasma conduits a thourough twice over all the way back to the nacelle's. I still think the darn engineer's at Starfleet thought we were going to be 3 feet tall. After finding the plasma system shipshape and rerouting some patchy spot's, I left the cramped tube and checked the flow ratio's. Finding the antimatter flow normal, I decided to run some simulation's in the computer. I want to try to see if we can get this ship past warp 5. I tried several different flow ratio's and power settings, but the result was always the same. The minute the simulated Challenger got to 5.1 it started to shake and then kaboom. I'll get it past one 5.5 one day, then I'll take the ratio's to Maturin. Graham made up some coffee and we continued our work. Fixing to head out and stop in and say hey to M'rresha.


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