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The History of the USS Manticore NCC 5852

Hello all,


In a fit of nostalgia (and needing something mindless to do for a diversion), I have taken all the logs I possess from Manticore's launching to the present day, extracted the mission briefings, and put them into chronological order. All this is to give the crew -- especially the new crew -- a sense of where we have been and how we have evolved over the years. Of course, this seemingly mindless project is taking me quite some time, so bear with me while I put all this stuff together. For now, I have the first and second years. Some briefings are missing, of course, but I believe the general gist of the sim's progress through the years can still be seen.


That having been said, enjoy!


Cdr Jami Farrington, MD

Second Officer, USS Manticore



The Commission, given by Admiral Mike McGree

Effective Stardate 9804.27, the following Spacefleet personnel are hereby requested and required to take the following posts aboard USS Manticore, Spacefleet Registry NCC-5852, for it's maiden voyage:

Captain Atragon-9, Commanding Officer

Commander Adam Vern, Executive Officer

Ensign Solkar, Operations Management Officer

Ensign James M. Beamer, Navigation/Helm Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Stephen C. Terrel, Chief Engineer

Ensign Claire Eason, Engineering Officer (Propulsion & Control System Specialist)

Ensign Rina, Engineering Officer (Transporter & Life Support Specialist)

Lieutenant Cmdr. Jami Eyr Farrington, Chief Medical Officer, Second Officer

Ensign Rowan Katherine Zamora, Asst. Medical Officer (Exobiology/Neurology


Ensign Jessica Ryan, Counselor (Psychology Specialist)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Tyler James Braden IV, Chief Science Officer

Ensign Danielle Solaris (Sensor Technology Specialist)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Leana Nelar, Chief Security Officer

Ensign James Bond, Security Offcer (Tactical/Weapons Specialist)

Captain, I present you with the official crew manifest for the USS Manticore,

and hereby give command of this vessel to you.



The Manticore, the fleet's latest commissioned enhanced Nebula Class exploration/rescue ship, is ready for its maiden voyage. This vessel, with its mandate to carry out highly sensitive missions directly for the Federation Council's Consul General, has completed its final configuration checks at Spacedock 18 and is ready for launch.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #2, STARDATE 9805.04 =/\= The Manticore, still working out the kinks of its shakedown cruise, has been ordered to investigate Arna VI. This planet has a local myth of a mysterious, devastating entity that appears every few centuries to destroy much of the planet. It has appeared again and may get access to a space-worthy ship. We are to investigate, evaluate and resolve the situation.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #3, STARDATE 9805.11 =/\= The Manticore, still working out the kinks of its shakedown cruise, is investigating Arna VI. This planet has a local myth of a devastating entity that appears every few centuries to destroy much of the planet. It has returned and may get access to a space-worthy ship. Sensors have definitely detected an disturbance on the surface, something has fired a small energy pulse at the ship and Security Chief Nelar (from inside the Wyvern) has seen an image of some sort of huge humanoid form at the source.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #4, STARDATE 9805.18 =/\= The Manticore, still working out the kinks of its shakedown cruise, is investigating Arna VI. This planet's local myth of a devastating entity that appears every few centuries has turned out to be quite true. It has returned and is causing destruction and havoc on the surface while it's energy pulses have affected the Wyvern and now the Griffen, sent in to save the Wyvern. At the same time, it seems to be inextricably linked to the planet's very core so we cannot simply destroy it and be done with our task. The Science team has been tasked with discovering a way to hobble it without harming the planet and the Captain has taken his private runabout, the Pegasus, to see if he can help the other two runabout craft in danger.



After subduing the energy entity of Arna VI, the Manticore is en route back to Starbase 18 for extensive repairs. The ship experienced a variety of equipment failures resulting in great damage, many injuries and one fatality, Commander Adam Vern. It is assumed that these failures were caused by the new and rushed reconfiguration of the Manticore. The Consul General's retrofit crew has been alerted and a quarantined spacedock bay is awaiting our arrival, as is our new Executive Officer, Commander Sovak, Adam Vern's half brother.



The Manticore has completed extensive repairs at Starbase 18 and is ready for duty once again. We leave with our new Executive Officer, Commander Sovak and without Doctor Zamora down in Medical. All hope our new repairs were down properly this time.



The Manticore has arrived at Salgar to try and "convince" the Salgarans to stop selling to the Dominion. All normal diplomatic attempts have failed and we are to use all at our disposal to stop the flow of commerce between this border world and the Jem Hadar.



The Manticore has arrived at Salgar to try to "convince" the Salgarans to stop selling to the Dominion. With teams planting small bombs at the Tri-Thermite factory, disguised as Salgarans to rile up the locals and aboard the ship to send faked Jem Hadar broadcasts about the plans to take over the planet, we were assured success. Now with one crewman trapped in the factory under a force field and another being surrounded by angry Salgarans, "success" has been replaced with "escape" as our new goal.



The Manticore has received word that our previous mission was a success (as much as any covert political mission can succeed) and the ship has finally been listed among the active duty ships in the Federation's roster of vessels. We begin our "normal" duty of patrolling the quadrant, ready to render assistance to ships in need.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #10, STARDATE 9806.29 =/\=

The Manticore has been called to the USS Andromeda, a tri-nacelle Galaxy class vessel using experimental Liquid Anti-Matter (LAM) propulsion. The ship was found, dead in space, amid a cloud of vented LAM. Our one contact from the crew warned us to stay away and gave rise to mental instability onboard. In addition, sensors have been unable to penetrate the cloud.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #11, STARDATE 9807.06 =/\=

The Manticore has been called to aid the USS Andromeda, a tri-nacelle Galaxy class vessel using experimental Liquid Anti-Matter (LAM) propulsion. The ship was found, dead in space, amid a cloud of vented LAM. We have found out that the ship is using stolen Borg technology for the LAM system. The crew of the Andromeda seems to be psychologically adversely affected (ooh, how PC!) and we have watched helplessly as they have jettisoned one of their engines.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #12, STARDATE 9807.13 =/\=

The Manticore has been called to aid the USS Andromeda, a tri-nacelle Galaxy class vessel using experimental Liquid Anti-Matter (LAM) propulsion - a technology stolen from the Borg. The ship was found, dead in space, amid a cloud of vented LAM and with a crew incapacitated by LAM exposure. An attempt by us to clear the cloud from the Andromeda has caused the ignition of a huge explosion at that ship's nacelles.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #13, STARDATE 9807.20 =/\=

The Manticore has dropped off the survivors from the USS Andromeda at Starbase 222 and has departed for patrol into sector 819.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #15, STARDATE 9808.03 =/\=

The Manticore is en route to Starbase 819. The latest reports show that the base has been destroyed by an unknown enemy that may still be in the area. We have been ordered to investigate and engage the enemy, if they offer any resistance.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #16, STARDATE 9808.10 =/\=

The Manticore is at the remains of Starbase 819. The records show that the base has been destroyed by an unknown enemy that uses small crafts that can combine into one large, dangerous vessel. We have traced a path of unusual particles from the scene of the devastation and may be nearing the enemy.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #17, STARDATE 9808.17 =/\=

The Manticore has left the remains of Starbase 819. The records show that the base had been destroyed by an unknown enemy that uses small crafts that can combine into one large, dangerous vessel. After tracing a path of unusual particles from the scene of the devastation, we had come to realize that the path was made of particles used to create these small and medium-sized craft. The ship was attacked and safely defended itself from small version of the enemy ships, but some sort of psionic attack almost killed Commander Sovak. The captain is readying the experimental ordnance onboard, just in case it will be needed.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #18, STARDATE 9808.24 =/\=

The Manticore has left the remains of Starbase 819. The base had been destroyed by an unknown enemy that uses small crafts that can combine into one large, dangerous vessel. After tracing a path of unusual particles from the scene of the devastation, we had come to realize that the path was made of particles used to create these small and medium-sized craft. The ship has been attacked multiple times and is currently fighting a gigantic fusion of particles using main batteries and its fighters. The Captain has not been seen since he entered the dorsal ordnance module, just prior to the current attack.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #19, STARDATE 9808.31 =/\=

The Manticore has destroyed the particles and particle ships that obliterated Starbase 819 and almost destroyed our ship as well. The crew is effecting repairs and returning to normal routines and procedures for patrol.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #20, STARDATE 9809.07 =/\=

The Manticore crew is effecting repairs and returning to normal routines and procedures for patrol. The only issue of concern is a slow drain on ship's power. Science, Engineering and Operations are working in the problem.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #21, STARDATE 9809.14 =/\=

The Manticore is sitting, mortally wounded, in space. The engines are working overtime to regenerate power drained by some sort of energy-absorbing entity found in the Engineering conduits. The ship is currently running under "catastrophic" energy regulations as the power level finally climbs toward 25%. Ltjg Jim Beamer was assisting Engineering and is now in the Medical Isolation chamber with the Entity wrapped in his uniform tunic, as Medical and Science try to get him safely away from it. The Entity had absorbed 80% of ship's power before being removed from the conduits and it's current state is highly unstable.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #22, STARDATE 9809.21 =/\=

The Manticore is en route to Starbase 36 for physical repairs and crew R&R following our double encounter with the energy-absorbing particles.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #23, STARDATE 9809.28 =/\=

The Manticore is docked at Starbase 36 for physical repairs and crew R&R following our recent encounters with the energy-absorbing particles. Black Ops crews are re- stocking and verifying cargo and ordnance for a quick departure.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #24, STARDATE 9810.05 =/\=

The Manticore has been given escort duty for a group of Starfleet diplomats heading out to Arasmus IX, a new member of the Federation, to set up the embassy there . Arasmus IX is a gas giant, so the construction issues are extensive and the intercommunication between the diplomats and the locals will be difficult, as the indigenous population is not humanoid. Counselor Ryan will be helping the diplomats prepare for their encounters.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #25, STARDATE 9810.12 =/\=

The Manticore has been given escort duty for a group of Starfleet diplomats heading out to Arasmus IX, a new member of the Federation, to set up the embassy there. Arasmus IX, thought to be a gas giant, turns out to be a collection of asteroids held together by a tenuous gravitational field. This will lead to extensive construction issues as well as mobility problems as the ship cannot use it's warp or impulse engines too close to the "planet." Counselor Ryan will be helping the diplomats prepare for their encounters and has already had some experience with the lead diplomat, Ambassador P'Ita, currently unconscious following a stress-induced fainting spell.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #26, STARDATE 9810.19 =/\=

The Manticore has escorted a group of Starfleet diplomats to Arasmus IX, a new member of the Federation, to set up the embassy there. The planet was thought to be a gas giant, but it turns out to be a collection of asteroids held together by a tenuous gravitational field. Counselor Ryan has taken over diplomatic duties for Ambassador P'Ita, the Federation's representative, currently unconscious following a stress-induced fainting spell. A sudden explosion has pushed one of the asteroids from its normal path and threatens to wreak havoc on the entire planetary structure.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #27, STARDATE 9810.26 =/\=

The Manticore has escorted a Starfleet diplomatic mission to Arasmus IX, a new member of the Federation, to set up the embassy there. The planet is really a collection of asteroids held together by a tenuous gravitational field. Counselor Ryan has taken over diplomatic duties for Ambassador P'Ita, the Federation's representative, who died onboard under suspicious circumstances. We have had to deal with sudden asteroid explosions, mysterious ships on suicide runs and a crazed local diplomat who just fired our quantum torpedoes at his own world. Security Chief Nelar, out in a runabout, is all that's in the way of our missiles destroying the asteroid.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #28, STARDATE 9811.02 =/\=

The Manticore, failing to secure the embassy on Arasmus IX but opening trade discussions with the locals, is heading home. The ship has lost one of its two fighter- runabouts, the Wyvern, and general crew morale is tense. Captain Atragon-9 has the "honor" of reporting on the mission with the Federation Council.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #29, STARDATE 9811.09 =/\=

The Manticore has docked with "Special" Ops Station Omega and has been restocked with fighter-runabouts. It was also given an experimental weapon that can create a black hole. Loaded into the former fighter-runabout Griffin, that vehicle is now too dangerous to keep onboard and is in tow/remote control behind the Manticore. The Federation Council has a specific target in mind for the first field test of this device and our ship is best suited to drop this bomb.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #30, STARDATE 9811.16 =/\=

The Manticore has been restocked with fighter-runabouts and was given an experimental weapon that can create a black hole. Loaded into the former fighter- runabout Griffin, that vehicle is now too dangerous to keep onboard and is in tow/remote control behind the Manticore. The Federation Council has targeted a Dominion shipyard for the first field test of this device and we are traveling there under cloak. The disposition of Chief Engineer Eason has yet to be decided following an unauthorized trip to the bomb while the Manticore was traveling at warp speeds.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #31, STARDATE 9811.23 =/\=

The Manticore has been given an experimental weapon that can create a black hole. Loaded into the former fighter-runabout Griffin, now too dangerous to keep onboard and it is in tow/remote control behind the Manticore. The Federation Council has targeted a Dominion shipyard for the first field test of this device and we are traveling there under cloak. The radiation from the device is reaching a dangerous level and we only hope we can drop the bomb before it's too late.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #33, STARDATE 9812.07 =/\=

The Manticore is about to begin war games in the Argosa sector. Commander Sovak has taken command of the USS Revere, an Oberth class vessel, and, with his pick of our crew, will be fighting against myself and the remainder of the crew on the Manticore. Something about this day in human history makes me want to be very afraid - a day that will live in infamy.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #34, STARDATE 9812.14 =/\=

The Manticore has begun war games in the Argosa sector. Commander Sovak has taken command of the USS Revere, an Oberth class vessel, and, with his pick of our crew, is fighting against myself and the remainder of the crew on the Manticore. SFHQ has presented us with some surprises by NOT hobbling the Revere's weapons or shields and by knocking out the Manticore's transporters. Other surprises may await us as we continue to engage each other's ship.


=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #36, STARDATE 9812.28 =/\=

The Manticore has completed its war games and has arrived at Starbase 45 for a debriefing. At the base Doctor Jami Farrington is being examined for her newfound prescience (look it up) and what may have brought it on so suddenly.

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