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=/\= MANTICORE BRIEFING #328, STARDATE 50409.27 =/\=

The Manticore has been hijacked into uncharted space by an

entity that took possession of Captain Sovak on Mars. We are

now on the surface of a planet, thanks to a giant ship

elevator/cradle. A "SophoTechnology" Being identifying itself

as S'aar entered the ship, unhindered by a Security team

or even doors, and split into fifty-seven versions of itself. After

the crew was transported to the surface, the Manticore was

raised back into orbit - with none of the crew onboard. The crew

has decided on a bold and extreme idea on how to retake the ship.

If this doesn't work, we are all dead - or worse, stuck here forever.

As a first step, Medical has asked for, and been granted, a

laboratory and supplies for hundreds of hyposprays.

=/\= END MANTICORE BRIEFING #328, STARDATE 50409.27 =/\=


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