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Resequenced hot dogs nummy, not!

Daryus' log, September 19, 2154:

I was crawling on top of the reactor housing, trying not to think about or look at the security officer M'rresha scanning across the room. My mind was in a turmoil. I was worried about the power drain, something inside of me screamed danger. We were heading deeper into space than anyone else, even Enterprise. I scanned inside the reactor housing. Nothing, no sign of what was causing our engine's to lag. I looked over at the security team scanning the room. Climbing down, I started to feel a bit queezy. My throat started burning and I started to sweat. I was going to revearse thruster's right here in the engine room. I ran out, M'rresha ran after me. I got to the head just in time. As I knelt there praying to the alter of Ralph, I heard M'rresha banging on the door. I had to laugh, kinda. After I evacuated everything from my system, even my spleen it felt like, I returned to engineering. I had missed the action. They found a bomb on the reactor. That's why the power kept dropping. Ensign Lucky had become Challenger's first fatality, having his neck snapped by an intruder. Ens. Marks had been injured by the intruder and was in sickbay. I looked around, no sign of Ens. Warren. Hope she's ok. I appologized to the cheif for my absence and started scanning the reactor, finding it in good condition. I think we'll be able to safetly make it to warp5 with no problem. More later.


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