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Regarding your proposal to eliminate the blob crea

To: Ne'Arrain Koga S'Bien, Ops/Com RES Talon

CC: Daise Erei'Riov tr'Psichore, El'Riov t'Temarr, Erei'Riov n'Dak


Subject: Regarding your proposal to eliminate the blob creatures


Your solution seems to have merit over the normal ie'yakk setting. However, it may be wise to use the cold to slow them down, and to also have regular disruptors to vaporize them. I would suggest having teams working in tandem. One to chill and slow, another to obliterate. All of this however hinges upon if this modification can be made.


I would like you to organize a meeting between yourself, security and engineering to see if this is at all feasible. The time table will also have to be set upon engineerings ability to create the system you have suggested and to actually turn out the product. When you have finished meeting with the various departments, you will report to tr'Psichore, and present your timetable to him.


Keep me informed.


Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan

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