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We're on the road to Centauri.....

Assistant Engineer's log, September 12, 2154:

The launch cerimony for Challenger was very nice. My family sat at the viewing platform. I meandered around the party sipping root beer. I met my bunk mate, a security officer named Jon Marks, nice guy. Also met my fellow engineer's, Westler and Graham. Admiral Atragon gave his speech as did Moore and Moose. We were ordered to take our station's and prepair for launch. Westler and Marks were both uneasy, I felt it too, but atributed it to jitter's. We prepaired engineering for warp and waited. Once we passed Puto, the bridge called down and asked if we were ready. I called up and said yes. Crossing my finger's, I watched the warp core glow as we slipped into warp. When we approched warp two, the power fluctuated. Not much, but noticable. After we slipped into warp 4, the power drain became more noticable. Westler called up to the bridge and reported it. Moose ordered that we stay at warp 4 untill we could tack down the problem. I'm running a diagnostic right now, and fixing to crawl around the core to check the shielding.


On a more personal note, saw the elusive M'rrisha Warren, she is a security officer. I think she did more than give me the eye when I returned to academy last month, she said I was cute. ::laughs:: Ok, I have to go out into deep space to be noticed by women, and this one carry's a gun. More Later.


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