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Sergio Giovanni

Ready, Willing and Able

"Ready, Willing and Able"

Log entry 05: 12 September, 2154


After a few days on board the Challenger, Sergio fast became familiar with the ship from stem to stern. With the aid of his maps and friendly directional arrows. But with the hour of Challenger's launch fast apporaching, a feeling of mixed emotions cross his mind. Sure, there's a part of him that's excited for the launch and the ship's first warpjump, and the whole gala ceremony itself, but also there's a sense of anxiety and nervousness surrounding him.


Sergio sits in his quarters, and looks out of the window. He can see one of the support braces of the dry dock that partially blocks his view, but also he can see Mars. The fourth planet in the Solar system. Which makes him fee a bit saddened as well. For Sergio has spent most of his life right here in this system, and desite his tenure on the Victory, he always felt bad for leaving the place he loves so very well.


In his quarters, Sergio finds a small crate sent to him by his parents. A "care package" of sorts. Affixed to the crate is a small letter addressed to him:


Dear Sergio,


We still feel sorry we couldn't make it to see you off, but here are some provisions for you that just may help you along your journey. Do remember to listen to your Commanders and stay safe, so you can come back to us whenever you return. We wish you the best and send you all our love. Keep in touch.



Your mom, pop and sister


How very heartwarming, Sergio thought to himself. Though he felt bad that his family couldn't make it, due to various reasons, he still felt nice to know that they didn't forget about him. Wondering what they sent him, Sergio opens the crate:


C O N T E N T S :


- civilian clothes (shirts, pants, etc) , made of silk, cashmere, cotton, etc

- Six (6) bottles of red wine

- Six (6) bottles white wine

- One (1) case of twenty-four (24) Guinness

- Six (6) Authentic Guinness mugs

- Set of five (5) crystal wine glasses

- One (1) soccerball, one (1) tennis raquet, six (6) tennis balls, one (1) rugby ball

- Two (2) pairs Doc Martan dress shoes

- Silk blankets, pillows, and sheets

- One (1) silk robe

- Space sickness pills

- Calcium supplement pills

- General pills (containing Vitamins C, D E, Iron, Zinc, Protein..)

- One (1) box of two dozen (24) donuts

- sleepware, made of cashmere

- Fifteen (15) bags of potato chips, one box containing sixty-four (64) chocolate bars of various kinds, ten (10) boxes cookies

- One (1) gourmet cook book

- One (1) Music book for violin

- One (1) 24-karat Men's bracelet


"Aww, wow" Sergio said to himself. Okay, so these items won't help him much whilst on duty, but off-duty they should go to very good use. Sergio must remember to thank them once he gets the chance. With the lauching ceremony just around the corner, Sergio uses the time to take a shower and get ready. As a milestone event, such as this one, one can bet their house that many of the Space Navy's and Sol systems best will be in attendance tonight.


Thirty minutes later, Sergio adjusts his uniform and spritzes himself with his CK colonge, and looks at his reflection in the mirror. Sergio looked very handsome in his uniform, and no matter how many ties he looked at himself in it, a feeling of pride always befell on him. Only a select few get to don this uniform, and even fewer get to participate in an event such as today.


Today, he's just some rich playboy from Monte Carlo, but tommorow he's Chief Science Officer of an NX-Class vessel. That keeps sounding better every time he hears it. Adjusting his collar one last time, the communications console beeps at him as he was about to step out. "ahh, who is that?" says Sergio before going to answer the unit.


"Hello?" Sergio says. The image of Segio's pal Eduardo appears on the screen. "Hey Eduardo. Where are you?" asked Sergio. "I'm at Mars Station" Eduardo replies. "We're all already here. We were wondering if you were free for one last night at the pub" Sergio nods. "That soundsgreat, but I cannot drink too much, I do have to report for duty sober once the Challenger is christened" he replies.


"Ahh, don't worry. You can just order something like an Amstel Light, or something like that. We mainly wanna have one last time to get together ya know, before the ceremony" Eduardo says. "Ahh, sounds good to me. Still have a few hours before I have to report back anyways. You're on" Sergio said.


Sergio hangs up and a few mnutes later, is beamed down to the Mars Station, even though Sergio is still pretty uncomfortable with transporters. There have been stories where people's DNAs have been spliced together in those things, which is probably why they are primarily used for cargo only. But fortunately for Sergio, he was rematerialised fully intact and in one piece.


At the station pub, Sergio met up with his friends Eduardo, Juan, Nigel, Pierre and the three girls he met that other day before he left Monte Carlo. Ruby ran up to Sergio and wrapped him in her arms. "Hello Ruby. Good to see you again, likewise to the rest of you" He said as he greeted everyone individually. "Wow, Sergio. You look very handsome in the uniform" Ruby told him. Sergio thanked Ruby and said she looked great in her outfit, a red Giovanni evening dress, with matching red Pradas.


With the seven of them together, Eduardo orders some pitchers of Amstel light, a beer with a very low alcohol level. But Sergio did have with him his anti-hangover pills just in case, but this being such a light beer, he probably won't need it. "So, do you have butterflies in your stomach yet there Sergio" said Nigel, Sergio's friend from London.


"Yeah, man. I feel like there's a zoo of butterflies in here. My life is totally gonna change in four hours" he replies. Sergio's friends start to chuckle. "Ahh, so this isman" says Eduardo. Sergio nods solemly. Drinking in silence with some nuts and pretzels Sergio hopes he'll do well off on the Challenger. With Ruby at his side, moments like these are definate things he'll surely miss.


They spend the hour asking what Sergio's role is, where his quarters is and such. "Yeah, one good thing about this assignment is that I have my quarters all to myself. Well, me and my cat. It's pretty big too, eh?" Sergio grins. "Sweet" Ruby says and hands him a slip of paper. "Here is how to keep in touch with me, in case you get lonely" Ruby says.


Sergio smiles graciously. "Thanks. I definately will keep in touch" he replies. "I have all your numbers right?" asks Sergio to the rest, who all nod 'yes'. "Great. I'll keep in touch" he says. As tome passes by, the bar remmains to be pretty crowded. Several of Sergio's crewmates from the Challenger were also here. Finishing the pitchersm nuts and pretzels, Sergio gets up and looks at his watch.


"Looks like I have to report back to the Challenger for tthe ceremony" Sergio said. I'll see you all there, eh?" he says. "Yeah, sure. We've gotta get to the VIP entrance as well" says Eduardo. "We'll see you there" Just then, Eduardo and the others hand Sergio various gifts. "These are from us to you" they say. "Thanks, guys. You're the best" Sergio says.


Reaching into his pack, Sergio hands his friends some gifts in turn. "I bought these back in Monte Carlo before I left. May as well give them to you now. I probably won't get the chance at the ceremony" The gifts ranged from bottles of wine, a watch and colonge for the men, and perfume, watch and a $10000 shopping card at Giovanni's for the ladies. "Cool, thanks man" they replied in various versions.


Receiving handshakes from the uys and kisses from the ladies, Sergio goes along is merry way to the shuttlebay, with most of the other Challenger crew. When the shuttle arrives back to the Challenger, Sergio re-enters his quarters, which is by now filled with gifts from his family and friends. From his friends Sergio got:


- One (1) picture of Sergio's girlfriend Ruby + frame

- One (1) picture of Sergio & pals + frame

- One (1) picture of Sergio & family + frame

- One (1) Italian soccer jersey (#10)

- One (1) globe of Earth

- One (1) small cactus plant

- One (1) banzai tree

- Two (2) pair Dr. Scholl's foot support gel packs

- One (1) pair Oakley sunglasses

- One (1) set of holo-video of Earth and it's major attractions


Re-adjusting his uniform and making sure he's 100% sober, Sergio once again exits his quarters, and proceeds to the place where thr ceremony will take place. He still feels a mixture of emotions -- excitement, nervousness, anxiety, but with his family and friends behind him, he's ready to answer the call of Starfllet and the unknown. And though it'll be a very long time before he sees Earth again, he's glad to know that there are such good friends and family waiting for him when he returns.

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