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Grilled Kitty

Personal log, Stardate 0409.08:


I readied mine and Angie's belongings for transport to New Orleans. Angie was called away to Starfleet Medical for a physical. Being one of the few rescued Borg's in the service, they were quite interested on how she coped for three years in deep space. I assured her that I would take care of the transport of her belongings to my apartment off Bourbon for our shoreleave. We approched Earth, I was amazed at how blue it was. I really missed my home. Yes, I'm half Caitian. But, I consider Earth to be my home and Cait my second home. Angie transported down for her physical and I gave her a kiss for luck. I transported down with the rest of the crew for the debreifing. Admiral Wolfe conducted it. Everyone was ready to get on with their debriefings and get home. Fortunately Admiral Wolfe was brief, only asking a few question's of each department head, Dr. Garnoopy for medical, Lt. Van Roy for engineering, Lt. Random for science and myself for security. He then released us, asking us to meet with the appropriate brass about our field promotion's. Several of us had been promoted on the Qob, including myself. I will meet with Admiral Wolfe and ask him to consider my case. I did assume command of security when Lt Messner moved up to Hod. I also helped in the rescue of Ms. Dixon, even though I was stabbed in the prossess. I'm sure my promotion will stick with Starfleet and I'll get to keep my pip. When we left, we were mobbed by the press. Some subspace reporter asked the stupidest question, so I gave him a stupid answer. He asked if we were tortured by the Klingon's to gain their respect. I laughed and replied that if he considered comradery and good bloodwine torture, then yes. I fully respect my Klingon crewmate's, BcH, Kwalus, even Kain had become like good friends, even family to me. I hope to all that is holy that Angie and I are able to return to the Qob/Lakota after shoreleave and serve with them again. I'd really like to find Rhoz. I feel guilty because he was sent down to retrieve the shuttle Koralev and I left on 2004 Earth after we had to beam out. Everyone has left to go thier seperate ways, staying in San Fransisco for the next week before we can actually start our three month shoreleave. Noone really wanted to go to the reception. I had enough celebrating on Qo'nos. As I walk down to Starfleet medical I gaze at the Golden Gate bridge. Over five hundred years old and it still looks magnificent. I walk into Starfleet Medical to find Angie. I'm going to take her to a nice little Italian restaraunt near here I use to go to with her when we were in academy. A nice romantinc dinner then a long walk along the bay will ease my troubled mind, not to mention a little quality time with my little Borg. More later.


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