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HoD Bch


Huff poked briefly into the Lakota reception. Looking around, he noted that all appeared to be going as it should. All officials within travel range had come to welcome the wayward travelers home, along with families and friends.


The crew had attended the general group meeting earlier that day. Tomorrow the full crew debriefing would begin and last a week before all the individual meetings were completed. Huff had not given a set time for the crewman to be released for R&R, but he’d given instructions to the staff to formally dismiss each to shoreleave at the conclusion of their sessions. Those waiting for their scheduled meetings would be housed of course at the headquarters facilities. (And after if they needed to be).


So the longest they would have to wait would be a week, after which they were free to do as they wished until further orders. What those orders would be… Huff could not say. While the meetings would be finished in a week, the work of Star Fleet to sort through the testimonies and logs would take significantly longer. Only then would they even know what direction to take. Would they need further discussions with the Klingon command? Most probably. Other Federation councils? Maybe.


Huff quietly left the reception and walked through the halls to the transporter. Of all the things brought to his attention from the initial reports, the one that disturbed him the most was the vagueness of the Qob’s means of getting home. A device of some kind had warped space for them, but the words “temporal” had surfaced enough times to alert his instincts.

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