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Imagination at work!

A shower of sparks rained down like fireworks as the final support struts for the warpcore was welded into place. The fruits of labour from Seiben and his team finally was paying off as the French/Martian made General Electric warpcore stood proudly in the Main Engineering of the new NX-Class Challenger, the heart of the ship that would propel her into the far reaches of space and beyond.


"It's hard to believe our job is nearly complete, eh sir?" Joe Roland, Seiben's Assistant Chief said. Seiben smiled and nodded. "Yeah, seems like it was just yesterday when weactually started forging the metal for the warpdrives frame. Time has a habit of flying by like that". Seiben replies. "Quite frankly, I didn't think we'd finish this fast"


"Yeah, especially with the recent delays" Roland said. "But I gotta hand it to you Earthlings. I guess we were wrong in saying you're all good for nothing" the Martian born Roland grinned. Seiben chuckled. "Gee, thanks Joe. That means alot. But we couldn't have done it without, you and your workers. Man, I tell you what. When we finish, rounds of beer are on me in the pub"


"Thanks Gunter" replied Roland. "My men will be quite pleased to hear that"

Seiben nodded and leaned on the railing watching the sparks fly as the warpdrive was securly fastened to the ship. "You guys most certainly deserve it" Gunter said. "But we're not out of the woods quite yet. We've still gotta finish installing/constructing the Power Transfer Conduits, and the Non-Symetrical Warp Coils in the nacceles."


"Yes, we're about 60% complete that task, we should finish in one or two weeks, with no problems. Two weeks ahead of schedule" Roland reassured. "Good" Seiben said. "We're close to the finish line, but let's not slack off now" Seiben sighed and took a sip of his coffee. Awake for more than 24 hours, coffee is all that's keeping him awake. He walked to his console, and composed a report


To: Commodore Fitsgerald "Bull" Moose, Commander Ellias Moore

CC: General Electric Headquarters, Admiral Forrest



I am pleased to inform you that despite ongoing delays in the early run, construction of the warpcore is now nearly complete. Support struts for the warpcore have been completed, and construction of the Power Transfer Conduits and Non Symetrical Warp Coils in the naccelles are 60% complete, bringing the total construction project 80% complete.


Construction process breakdown:


Antimatter pods --- INSTALLED

Deuterium tanks --- INSTALLED

Matter/Anti-matter chamber: [COMPLETE

Warpcore: COMPLETE

Support Struts COMPLETE

Warpcore output transfer junction COMPLETE


Symmetrical Warp Field Governor -- 85% Complete

Power Transfer Conduits -- 70% Complete

Non Symetrical Warp coils -- 60% Complete


Total Construction Project: 80% Complete

Estimated Completion time: 27 August, 2154

Projected Completion Time: 06 September 2154


As mentioned above, our completion time is estimated in about two (2) weeks. A full ten (10) days ahead of schedule. I have no doubts that the warpcore will operate smoothly during the space trials, and will give you yearsof trouble-free service. I thank you for your patronage with us, and I hope that Starfleet will continue to use GE for projects again in the near future.


Yours sincerely,


Gunter Seiben

Chief of Projects, Engineering: Warp Core Division

General Electric -- "Imagination at work!" End message, end transmission.[


Seiben pressed the "send" button, and the message dissappeared on its way to the consoles of the recipiants. "There we go, some good news for Moore and Moose" he said. Roland nodded. "Well, maybe now they'll get off our backs, and start trusting us from now on"


Seiben scoffed. "One could only hope. I'll get them to trust GE and my team or die trying!" Roland chuckled. Again, Seiben walked over at the railing, and looked down at his workers, now putting away their welders. "Great job, guys! Why don't we call it a day? I'll see you all tommorow" Seiben yelled down to them.


Happily, the workers complied with their boss and started to put away their equipment. Seiben and Roland walked out of Engineering and down the corridors of the Challenger. After they entered the turbolift, Seiben asked Roland what he was going to do after the Challenger project. "I don't know" Roland replied. "I was thinking of landing a job in Starfleet as an Engineering consultant. The benefits of working in Starfleet is very good ya know"


"Yeah, so I heard. That sounds good. So are you and your family gonna move to Earth then?" Seiben asked. "That I'm not sure of. I was hoping to work at the Martian branch. I don't think I could adjust to life on Earth" replied Roland. "Earth isn't so bad, ya know. The women for one thing, is much more plentiful!" Seiben said.


"I plan to relax in my new cottage in the French Riviera for awhile, then consider my future. I might even take Cochrane's offer and work for them in their Warp Core Projets Division. "Siding with the enemy, eh? You Earthlings have no loyalty do you?' Roland joked. "Not when your boat to success is sinking like a rock" Seiben said. They both chuckled, and entered the shuttle that would take them back to Mars.

Edited by Seiben

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