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Capt Ayers

Facets of Hell

If Nick ever wanted someone to take a phaser to his head and blow his brains out this would be that day. He had wondered briefly why the aliens had apologized to him for causing him pain when it had been his choice to push his abilities. That lasted until immediately after they left and he found himself falling to the deck in the Docking bay while experience the most excruciating pain he had ever felt in his life. His mind was screaming at him and his head felt like it wanted to pop. That wasn't the worst of it though..the worst of it was feeling the emotions and hearing the thoughts of every single person on the Station all at the same time crashing in around him, trying to drown him out. Over everyone elses voice he hears and senses Ethan going through the exact same thing.


A chill had run up his spine when he somehow managed to realize that this was like what it must be like to be a Borg drone. Hearing the voice of everyone else with no ability to shut them out. He desperately tries to rebuild his mental shields but can't even concentrate long enough before they're torn asunder again. He had always considered being assimilated by the Borg to be a fate worse then death and this was no different. From the deepest part of his soul he wished death would claim him so at least he wouldn't have to deal with this pain. If there was a hell, this was surely it.


Nick wakes up some time during the night and finds himself in Sickbay. His entire body aches and it even hurt to have to deal with the low lights in Sickbay. Cautiously he tries sensing anyone near and that's when he discovers a new facet of hell. Though he can see the blurred shapes of people working or moving around at the far end of Sickbay they're a complete blank to him mentally. In fact, it's like they don't even exist.


Nick sinks back against the pillow letting the darkness claim him. As he falls asleep he mutters "Someone shoot me now."

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