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Daryus' log: 0408.11

Security officer's log: Stardate 0408.11

My head cleared a little, darn these hypersensitive kitty ears. Messner was still chewing Kroells and Koralev new thruster's. I walked over to the panel and rechecked the tapes again, something to keep busy. Messner finished with them, telling them they were needed on the ship. But, if they screwed up again, he'd personally kill them. Looking at the sword dangling from his belt, I believed every word. I asked him if I could address Kroells as acting security chief, he said yes. I told Kroells that if he disobeyed another order from me, I'd have him cleaning waste recepticals in the brig with his toothbrush. Messner ordered me to release them and they returned to their station's, Koralev to engineering, Kroells to security patrol's. I slipped the padd Angie gave me into my pocket and went to the MeH. What I saw froze me. We had a small fleet of Klingon warships aproaching us. I learned that we had past through the time portal and were approaching Qo'nos in our own time. My heart jumped into my throat. Home? Finally? Could I finally see my daughter again? But, hearing the comm channel's, I started getting suspicious. I took tactical and ordered Kroells up to the MeH to man security. I noticed on my board that the warships had their weapon's locked on us. Thoughts of paralel universes filled my head. I started running some battle simulation's on my board, 8 warships v/s our Vorcha. Angie must've been thinking the same thing. She was running a scan on the ships, when Random noticed it and told her the scans might be taken as a hostile act. Angie informed her about their weapon's status. HoD Kwalus ordered the weapons and scanners manually locked. Van Roy locked us out. I just stared at my board and twitched my tail feeling vunurable. We don't know yet if this is our space or some alternate universe. For all we know, the Federation and the Klingon Empire may still be at war. BcH and Kwalus were transported down to the council chamber's on the planet. We moved to the closest moon and waited there under the gun's of the lead Klingon warship. I certainly hope for our sake that the Qo'nos that BcH and Kwalus went to is our Qo'nos.


On a more personal note, I've found out what has been bugging my little Borg. Seem's she sliped me a message on the padd with her report of the brig incedent. In her own Borgified way, she's falling for this kitty. She even scratched me behind my ear on the turbolift. Got to say I wasn't really suprised, even with her Borgatude. With all we've been through in the past 3 years on the Qob and before in Acadamy, even before that, we've gotten very close. I will stay very professional around the crew. But, I would love to explore this relationship further.


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