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Bio For Ensign Angie5

First Name: Angie


Borg Designation: 5 of 16


Last Name: Spike


Nickname: Angie5 or Lilvalleygirl


Birth date: SD 8204.21


Birth Place: Centralia, Washington, Earth


Rank: Lt. Junior Grade

Assistant Science Officer/Physical Sciences Specialist


Entered Starfleet: entered Starfleet on

SD 0403.03

Graduated Starfleet Academy SD: 0404.14



Mother: Lt. Kimmy Spike


Security Officer~U.S.S Enterprise NCC 1701

Chief Of Security~U.S.S Enterprise NCC 1701/ U.S.S Enterprise

NCC 1701-D


Father: Lt. Commander Calvin Spike


Tactical Officer~U.S.S Enterprise NCC 1701/ USS Enterprise NCC


Asst. Chief Engineer~U.S.S Enterprise NCC 1701

Asst. Chief Engineer~ U.S.S Enterprise NCC 1701-D


Starfleet History: My father and mother served as officers aboard the starship Enterprise NCC 1701. While heading to my Starfleet Academy Training on a nearby starbase, our shuttlecraft encountered an unfamiliar spacial anomaly. With our sensors disabled and no communications, we were trapped in a time portal and jumped approximately 100 years into the future. We were rescued by the Federation and beamed aboard the starship Enterprise 1701-D. My father and mother were sent to Starfleet to be retrained and restored to their original rank. I, on the other hand, was escorted to the academy shortly after. My father served as Tactical Officer, and then was moved to engineering as Chief until he retired from Starfleet and returned home to Earth. My mother continued her duties as Chief Of Security and was captured and assimilated by the Borg, while on an away mission in the Alpha Quadrant.


As part of my Cadet training, I was sent on an away mission to investigate an unknown planet, to research developments and further use of dilythium crystals. I was captured by the Borg and brought aboard the cube for assimilation. Upon seeing my mother I tried to escape, I was sedated and vanished from Starfleet Academy as MIA for three years from earth year: 2374. As part of the collective, we attacked the planet Cait. Many were killed and one captured. Starfleet then rescued the Caitian and took him back with them to Starfleet H.Q. I was unaware of the time that passed from then until our entrance into the Delta Quadrant. I was separated from the collective, unnamed, and then designated 5 of 16. We then set course and invaded a nearby planet for supplies. During the invasion, we were attacked by a federation starship. Many of my kind were killed, the rest rescued. Daryus Dracal rescued me. Although I have no recollection of the events that occurred, Later, I learned I was dissimilated and my mother was returned to Earth to live with my father. The Enterprise had completed their voyage and I re-joined Starfleet Academy for further cadet training. Another strange event occurred. I met the man who I was told I captured and whose wife I was told I killed, while attending the academy. He wasn't quite human, but half Caitian, rather familiar. He was known as Daryus Dracal and he didn't waste time about informing me about the chain of events that occurred three years prior to my rescue, very efficient. Pending gratuation from the academy, I was on a training mission aboard a U.S.S. vessel under the command of Captian NDak and appointed Chief Engineer. We were investigating a spacial distortion and I gave the Captain the "all clear" for us to enter the distortion, as a means to continue on our voyage, when the vessel exploded. However, showing great assurance and risking the lives of myself and the crew, I was promoted to the rank of Ensign and graduated as well. On SD 0404.14, myself and Daryus were sent to a local starbase to conduct scientific research. On SD: 0404.18, we received orders from starfleet to assist the Klingon/Federation vessel IKC Lakota Qob. Daryus and I learned that the sister ship Lakota was destroyed and the Qob , heavily damaged. Ourselves and the crew were caught in a temporal annomaly and swept 30,000 light years into the Alpha Quadrant. Now, we the crew, find ourselves halted aboard a Federation ship awaiting debriefing and our vessel siezed by the Klingon Empire. We have no choice, but to wait for their decision of rule pending three months.



Medical Information


Height: 5' 2"


Weight: 110 lbs


Eye Color: Light Blue


Hair Color: Ash Brown with Strawberry Blonde Highlights


Age: 22


Race: Human/Altered Borg


Blood Type: B- with Borg nanites


Characteristics: Human, with Borg external implants above the right eye, below the

left ear and right side of the chin


Internal Structure: Human, with Borg internal implants.


Mental Capacity: Normal with Borg implants capable of storing and remembering a

large volume of information. Additional visual acuity from Borg

Retinal and ocular implants.



Starfleet Information


Experience: Prior training as CSCI, ASCI, ASCI 1, CMO, AMO 2, CENG, OPS, TAC, and CSEC. Self-training on piloting an escape pod. Trained by her father Lt. Commander Calvin Spike as a child, in Tactical.


Interests: Science, Reflection, Nature, Music, Guitar, Drums, American, Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Thai, and Cajun Cuisine, Ancient Sword Fighting, Taikwando Martial Arts, Computers, Reading, and Collecting Die cast Classic Car Models.


Personal Collection: Ba'leth from Daryus, Electric guitar from the late 20th century, Drum Pad, Two pairs of drumsticks, and the Klingon Dictionary, literature from earth about the starship Voyager.

Edited by lilvalleygirl

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