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The Chase of a Few Senior Officers

When Mimi, Victor, Dionysius, Sheepy, and Muon were in sickbay Victor collapsed. When Mimi and Dionysius came running out from the storage area to see what the problem was, Mimi ran to Victor's side. After getting him settled down for a little bit, Mimi and Sheepy carried Victor to a biobed, where she and Dionysius talked to Victor. After ten minutes, Sheepy came over and gave him a direct order. During the time they were trying to get Images to say in sickbay, the Captain called for Sheepy and Victor to come up the Control Tower.


While they were away, Mimi was put in charge of Sickbay for the time being. Then Victor told her to go to the docking bay to look for Sheepy. So she grabbed her tricorder and ran for the docking bay. When she got there she started her search for her boss...


Muon saw Mimi in the crowd. "Doctor, do you have any idea what's going on with these people?" Muon asked and then noticed for the first time, the ghost like figures in the docking bay. They all seemed to be converging around Ethan.... What in the FCA was going on?....


"I don't know what's going on, Muon. But if I use a hypo on Dr. Jones, we might be able to see what's going on." replied Mimi. So she runs over to a replicator, replicates the hypo with what clearence she has and uses it on Sheepy. He started to sway. "Oh... it's barely working." Mimi said.


Muon nods. "Give it time Doctor. Between you and Images, maybe the situation can be resolved. And I can certainly use all the help I can get." Muon replies, looking tiredly around the docking bay. So far no trouble....yet.


"Maybe so Muon. All we can do is hope." Mimi said. She stands back, thinking about going over to where Muon is, but stays there and watches Sheepy. Only time can tell before this whole matter is resolved.

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