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Daryus' log

Security officer's log: Stardate 0407.28


We sit. I scan for the missing Rhoz and monitor the prisoner's in the brig on my screen. Kroells reports to the meH and informs me that Ms. Dixon is in sickbay having her memory wiped of the 24'th century sight's and sound's she's experienced. I tell him I feel bad about him stunning her, but alien encouter's of that era were always traumatic. Her memory was wiped and she was transported back to Earth. I send Kroells down to security to check the Klingon's to make sure as he put it "they weren't eating their bedding". Angie5 reported to the meH and started helping me scan for Rhoz's shuttle. She and I link our scanner's and start the scan. Checking in with Kroells in security, I found out that Lagh Kain had shown up wanting the "glory of the kill", to execute the Klingon prisoner's himself. BcH didn't know we had the Vort engeneers in custedy and said they should die without honor. I tend to agree, but I am a Starfleet securtity officer and not a Klingon warrior. Messner, looked at me and told me to handle it. I ordered Kroells to have a team escort Kain back to engeneering and told him there would be no killing today. Van Roy and Angie were monitoring the ion trails from the Bird of Prey trying to trace them back to the point where it came into the 21'st century. So we could use the rift to return to our own time. I started reading power surges in the brig and contacted Kroells and asked what was going on. He informed me that Ensign Koralev from engeneering had shown up and the three of them were shocking the Klingon prisoner's with the force field and were having quite a good time doing so. I ordered Kroells to clear the security area. After reading more energy surges. I repeated my order. I could hear the Klingon's screaming in the speaker. I told Messner I was heading down to security to take care of the situation. When I arrived, Kroells, Koralev and Kain were standing outside the now empty cells. I demanded a report from the young ensign. He informed me that Koralev had activated the cell's sanitizing units. My heart sunk. The sanitizer unit's are only suppose to be used on empty cells, as they vaporize organic material. The Klingon prisoner's had been most totally vaporized. What a mess. I don't know what I'm going to do with the three ensign's. I'll leave that to Lt Messner as he is the acting HoD. Right now I'm going to have to put them into custedy. Nice first couple of days as acting security chief.


On a more personal and proud note. I made Lieutenant Junior Grade today. Woo Hoo! Everyone congradulated me and of course since this is a Klingon ship, I was pipped the proper Klingon way with pain sticks and a compleat butt kicking. Don't know what's worse, having a pain stick jabbed into your ribs and beaten up, or having a pip shoved into your neck. It's gonna take weeks for these bruises to heal. *LOL* Even little Angie5 got into the spirit and beat me in the chest. Though, I was so happy I picked her up and hugged her. She kinda growled at me. Don't know if that was the Borg "propriety" talking, since we were on duty and on the bridge, or if there's something else on her mind. I've given up trying to figure out women. More later.


Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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