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HoD Bch

Mission Summaries

0406.29: Our recon team enters the hotel. Kwalus' surgery proceeds. Main power, impulse, and shields are restored. Koralev & Daryus try to intervene as Dixon is abducted and are badly injured. They return to the Qob. Kou gRah returns with Dixon to his ship IKS Vort, intent on finding the Qob. He does and communication contact is made. Comms do not go well and firefight ensues. As his ship is failing, another contact effort is made. Rhoz convinces Bch to make this one.


0406.24: The Qob has been badly damaged from the crash with the other ship, which has been determined to be a one-man flyer, now lodged in our hull. Among other systems, our warp and cloak are dysfunctional, causing concern for detection by tracking devices in this time. The Qob moves to a position behind the Earth's moon with thrusters. Scanners reveal that there are both Federation and Klingon energy signatures on and over Las Vegas, Earth. Four ships are identified in firefight: Two Klingon birds of prey and two class 9 shuttles. Meanwhile, Daryus and Koralev have taken a shuttle and landed in hiding to do surface reconnaissance in Las Vegas. Initial contact reveals detailed information about Federation and Klingon history in one of the Vegas hotels. Kougrah is stalking Dixon at the Hilton. The medical teams works on Kwalus.


0406.16: A blip on sensors turns out to be a ship moving toward the Qob. It slams into our forward section sending us both spiraling. We then find ourselves in the Earth's solar system in the year 2004. Kwalus is injured. Rhoz takes command while Messner takes helm. Daryus meets the sons and Bch returns to quarters after briefly viewing the bridge.


0406.09: The sons are given their physical by Garnoopy in their quarters. Kwalus gives Rhoz the task of assigning mentors for the boys to familiarize them with the ship. He chooses Dracus and Vanroy and agrees to discuss this with Bch and Messner.


0406.02: Messner retrieves his family's personal things from the planet, escorted by Rhoz in a shuttle while Bch is assigned her old quarters. The Qob departs this area as soon as the shuttle is secured. Upon his return, Kwalus informs Messner that he will return to his old rank and job, Bch's sons will work as Bch determines, and Bch will also hold a job after a short adjustment period to acclimate her sons.

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