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SCPO Weedman

Possible Location Change

Senior Chief Petty Officer Martin Weedman

Challenger Design Team Leader

San Francisco, Earth

July 25, 2154



With further interference from other cultures upon the NX-05 project, Starfleet is preparing to transfer me to Mars to continue work. I had pleaded to stay in San Francisco, but my requests were denied. However, the order for my relocation was given almost 2 weeks ago, and security is too tight. There is a possibility that I will still be relocated to Mars before NX-05 is launched, but the chances are now slim-to-none.


All of my information is now second-hand. The design of Challenger was completed long ago, and all changes have already been submitted. For the most part, I have no more business with the NX-05 project. However, I plan to continue my talks with all 3rd-party companies associated with the NX- projects, to determine safe ways of gaining more cargo space and still carrying everything needed. This wouldn't go into effect until the next NX- ship is built, so I am no longer pressured for time.


My duty here for Challenger is, for the most part, complete. From here on out, I sign papers... and watch the construction continue.

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