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We Surrender



Tovek stood in his quarters on what was to him anew ship, after E'Shok's death the shifts hasn't been the same. The ship was alien to him now. He gazed at earth from his window and shook his head


Khevio silently approached Tovek's quarters and rang the bell.


“Come in,” Tovek quietly responded.


Khevio entered with a communiqué in his hands, he quietly handed Ambassador Rex's message to Tovek. Silently, Tovek received what he had suspected in the first place.


“I know.”


He glanced at the PADD and confirmed his suspicions.


“I have the fleet ready to exit the system,” Khevio said. “I thought it would be, logical to consult you. Captain E'Shok always trusted in your judgment.”


“Indeed.” He said simply. “Its your judgment, I do recommend the action but will the Andorian blockade allow us to leave? Or destroy us in the process and conquer earth?”


“The odds are not great on our side,” he added.


Khevio nodded. “If we stay we risk alienating the Humans as well. I do not think the Andorians would attack retreating vessels,” he said. “It would not be logical.”


“Logic?” Tovek questioned. “Their blockade has the capabilities to destroy the taskforce, should we take the chance?” He shook his head. “Its your decision, you are in command now.”


Khevio nodded. “Then the task force will leave.”


Tovek nodded noting Khevio's logic was impeccable.


“Would you join me on the bridge for the farewell,” Khevio said.


Tovek knew it was his duty to be on the bridge, to be there when Andorians wanted explanations on why where the Vulcans retreating? Cowards or something else. Tovek nodded.


“After you, commander.”


Khevio nodded and turned to walk out the door and into the hall way. Tovek followed, deep in thought. Khevio entered the lift, with Tovek behind him.


The Andorian had them in checkmate and Tovek knew it, they had lost. It was time to cut loose and save as many as they could.


Khevio meanwhile knew that he had only one option and he was taking it. He was Vulcan, he had no pride to injure...or did he?


He stepped off the lift and onto the Bridge not expecting what he was about to do to be as hard as it was. He nodded to the Operations Officer.


“Signal the fleet, put me on Shipwide and pipe me in to the Task Force.”


Tovek stepped onto the bridge also and took a position relatively out-of-the-way.


The Ensign at operations nodded and tapped on his Boards. “Ready.”


“This is Commander Khevio, Fleet Commander of the Vulcan Task Force,” he paused taking in a deep breath.


Numerous murmurs came from the comm. The entire Vulcan Task Force was listening, the noise disappeared and there was only silence.


“All Vulcan vessels are to form retreat lines behind the T'Pa. We are leaving the Sol system. Stand down from battle stations. We surrender.”


By now, Khevio was, for a Vulcan, weak kneed. He blinked a few seconds then finished. "All Vessels Acknowledge Surrender."


An elderly voice came through first, then another, then another, then another, until all of the Fleet had signaled. The Vulcans knew their defeat. All commanders reported standing down from battle stations and stood at green condition.


The Vulcan ships lined up one by one behind the T'Pa


Tovek nodded at Khevio noting the commander's logic did not falter even at this defeat. “You made the right decision commander.”


“For the Humans’ sake I hope I did.”


Khevio was seated in the Command chair looking out the viewscreen. “Helm, engage at Full Impulse for Vulcan. Once we have cleared the Blockade, jump to Warp 5.”


Tovek looked away. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”


And so the Fleet of Vulcan ships lined up and made their way out of the Sol system. Leaving Sol to the Andorians....



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