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"Ahh... Ahh.. ACHOO!" Seiben sneezed for the umteenth time. The world around him started spinning faser than a gyroscope, and despite some of the medicine he took earlier, it either had no effect or was starting to wear off. He really didn't feel the effects until just recently, perhaps he caught it off someone? He had heard it was contaigous, and many people onboard were reported to have had cases of it.


It's some kind of epidemic, eh? Seiben thinks. But be that as it may, he started to feel the effects. Of course, he has had the typical cough due to cold in the past, but none of them ever felt this bad. This was worse than any flu he ever had.. his head felt like it was going to spontaneously combust, and he felt really dizzy and disoriented. It might be for the best to pay Sickbay another visit soon.


The outbreak was quite terrible to Seiben, and the new doctors aer already getting quite the workout. So, maybe he'll give em a break till there's a lull in their activities. Seiben stifled a cough and resumed his duties. He has some tissue, and politely cleaned his hands before tapping the console.


Seiben shook his head.. seeming to feel worse by the minute. Why that is is a mystery to him. Not a very good feeling, considering the Yaderma II people anxiously await them down there. Quite a pickle, this is. Oh well..

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