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What makes a Vulcan laugh

Ki'roks mind had been racing all afternoon. He had hoped the new Doctor would be on duty. Then , after almost running over the admiral, he had just wanted to run. No sense trying to deny it at this point...he was embarrassed. He had basically lost all emotional control over the course of the past two weeks. One minute he would be fine, the next something would set him off. He had hid it as long as he could, but after destroying his room, he knew he had no choice but to seek guidance. But what now? What was to become of him?


The doctor had said he could die. What was going on with his emotions? How could he just ...let go...and begin to show his emotions. If he let go, could he stop? He imagined a great floodgate opening, with all his emotions pouring through...unchecked. He shuddered. This was not supposed to be happening. He was a Vulcan. He had studied with T'ukat. He had almost achieved Kohlinar. Now..he was supposed to start telling jokes...laughing like some blithering idiot. Blasted betazoid DNA...


There really was no choice though...perhaps he could retain some semblance of control most of the time and just let go periodically. Time would tell...

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