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Cmdr Ridire

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Aidan taps his commbadge and says "Mr. Mclean, check on the engines and see if you can get them operational. We're going to need to get out of here. Report on the viability of the warp engines as soon as you can. And any power that isn't going to the engines or anything else vital should be shunted to the defenses as well as the Structural Integrity Field and the Inertial Dampeners. And make sure that what is supposed to have been repaired by whomever was actually repaired to sufficient quality."


With that, Aidan turns his attention back to the Ops console. Whatever had attacked the Reaent seemed to have gone dormant when the Ambassador class ship left the system but Aidan wasn't about to bet on the situation remaining that way for long. He enters a set of command codes and lock-outs into the computer. That done, he sees to the task of slaving the helm controls to the Ops console in front of him. As he does so he says "Doctor, when you find the ship's logs, I want you to prepare to create a Datalink to both the Reaent and to Memory Prime. I do not want whatever information is in the computer to be lost in case..." He hesitates on saying the rest and instead changes tack "I'll tell you when begin the data dump."


Aidan continues his entering commands into the Ops console as he rattles off orders "Xavier, once you've disposed of that jammer get Mr. Scherer and yourself down to Engineering and help Mclean. Send Mr. Shamor back up here, I'll need him at Tactical. Hopefully I'll be able to get the turbolifts reactivated soon. As for you, Mr. Benson, sit down there at the Engineering display and coordinate with Mclean from there."


From somewhere behind him he hears Doctor Matthews make her report and then say "There is one more thing. If I'm reading this correctly, the Hawking has been rigged to run from a remote location. Before we power up these engines, we may want to restore helm control to the bridge."


Aidan replies darkly "I'm glad to see they met my expectation. I'll see about dealing with that remote rig in time, Doctor. Preferably I'll be able to block it. It would be a shame to have to destroy the programming since it might lead us to the b...ones who are doing this. Right now I'm still trying to make sure that the systems we need to run are actually able to run and moreover that the Computer can interface with those systems. It's accepting the commands but whether that actually means anything remains to be seen. When you get a chance why don't you help Benson at the Engineering console. God knows your Grandfather was one hell of an engineer, I'm sure some of it rubbed off on you."


He continues to tap sets of commands into the Ops console as he runs over contingency plans in his mind. Without directly addressing anyone he says "Someone get me an analysis on what attacked the Reaent when they get a chance."


Without waiting to hear from Mclean on the status of the engines or the reports of anyone else, Aidan calls up the helm displays and programs several courses into the computer. If only because the possibility existed that whatever attacked the Reaent may decide to do so once it detected the warp engines coming online onboard the Hawking. As he does so he murmurs "Lets hope this old girl still has some moves left in her."

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