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Can you lend me a feeling?

The New Bajoran sun began to set over the crystal clear waters as Seiben entered the hover boat back to the mainland. The hues of orange, pink and gold over the glittering ocean and the salty air in his lungs making him feel at ease. Seiben spent the last few hours under the sea SCUBA dving.


Ever since childhood, Seiben enjoyed being outdoors, whether it being the Alps, or the waters Seiben enjoyed it all. The waters were warm and clear, and Seiben saw many fish, coral and other wildlife of various size and colour. Seiben enjoyed the serene quietness of the water, and the graceful animals that inhabited it.


The hover boat quickly gained speed and was soon skimming over the orange tinted waters. Below the craft, a dolphin-like mammal swam and jumped along side the boat. Seiben thought it must be nice to live in the waters, carefree. Or well, relatively carefree, factoring in all the big predators like sharks, and orcas.


Seiben had learned SCUBA diving in his teenage years, and found it to be very relaxing. It was just him and the water and the fish. Like some other activities, it gave Seiben some quiet time to think, and just admire his surroundings. In a minutes, the craft reached the mainland.


He then ventured to the seaside restaurant for something to eat. Getting a seat in the patio, Seiben ordered some lobster,shrimp, and some nice white wine. After getting his meal, Seiben saw the sun finally dissapear over the horizon. But despite this, Seiben still has a bad preminition about this area.


Earlier today, Capt. Kawalas told him not to venture out to the undiscovered area of Rogesh and Rexxar. At first, he thought nothing of it, since both planets were pre-warp civilisations, but thinking of it more.. Seiben had some feelings of deja vu. Seiben knows he never visited either planet in his life, or even heard of them prior to coming here.


But, there was something about the two planets that just rang a bell with him. It bothered him slightlynot knowing what it was. Seiben did some research of he planet, on his portable PADD and found very little. There wasn't really anything of interest on either planet.


Seiben sighed. Why then are those two planets so familiar to him? Maybe Seiben did some research on it whilst on duty, and had forgotten about it till now? This was an undiscovdered area, and Seiben did some tactical scans throughout the area for unfriendly ships. Maybe that was why.


Seiben saw that Rexxar had a primitive, but rather large space programme, similar to Earth's NASA of the 20th century. Seiben remembers sending that to Blurox and Kawalas. Seiben nodded.. I guess that must be why it seems so familiar. Seiben thought to himself. It certainly was the most logical explanation.


He sipped on a margarita and looked at the twinkling boats and the twinkling stars above. Maybe I'm just too overworked? Seiben thought to himself. "WEll, my leave isn't over yet" Seiben thought to himself. Maybe some dancing and more drinks at the local nightclubs will help make him more at ease.


Though small and quiet, compared to planets like Earth and Risa, New Bajor still had some good nightlife, especially here in the capital city. Seiben heard that these Bajorans were laid back and funloving. Though his leave will end soon, he's gonna make the most of every minute.

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