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Daryus' log

Security officers log: Stardate 0406.16

My shift started with an absent Borg. Angie was regenerating a longer period because of mental strain caused by the time shifts. Missed her this morning during my workout in the holodeck. After breakfast, I went to the MeH to contemplate my mentorship. I still have many questions. Asked Lt. Van Roy for an opinion and he in the typical Vulcan, arched eyebrow way informed me that a mindmeld would be all he would need. For a people with no emotions, Vulcan’s can be very smug when they want. Rhoz told me to go down to Bch's quarters and meet the children. I reported to Bch and was informed by her and Messner that they were going to "discuss this with Rhoz and Kwalus" before she would turn over her children. She and Kwalus got into a heated discussion about my mentoring (making this kitty very nervous). Lt. Messner reassured me with a clap on the back, making me feel better. Kwalus ordered her and Messner to the bridge and I was told to wait outside. While waiting outside in the corridor, all hell broke loose. The ship lurched; I could here bulkheads buckling on decks below me. The red alert klaxon sounded and I ordered security to assist damage control teams. I called to HoD Kwalus on the MeH and got no answer. I ducked into Bch's quarters to check on Jay and Val, who were oblivious to the emergency, wrestling on the floor. They were startled by me and asked what I was. They said I was hairy. I explained to them about Caitians, and the fact that I was covered in fur and had a tail. I had to explain quickly because Jay had picked up his bat'leth. To calm him I complimented his blade and told him that Angie and I spared with bat'leths in the holodeck each day. I offered to let them join us if his mother approved. Can't wait to tell Angie about this. She's gonna get some real practice. When I returned to the MeH, I could see the cause of the ships problems; another vessel had collided with us. Then, the nice little world I call reality broke apart. Van Roy informed us that we were approching Earth. And not just our Earth, but Earth in the 21'st century. 2004 Van Roy says. My tail went limp. Thoughts of mentoring flew out of my mind as I contemplated it all. Angie5 reported to the MeH just as Van Roy made his announcement. She was scratching me behind my ear, hope she didn't think that my lackluster purr meant I didn't enjoy it. I'm a shocked, dumfounded kitty. I went to my security console and monitered my teams. I hope Angie and the science team discovers what's going on. Yes, I love earth, being raised in New Orleans. But, not Earth of the 21'st century. From what I've read and studied, they were quite primitive then, by today's standards. I wonder what the United States air command and NASA would think about a 24'th century Vorcha Class Klingon Battle Cruiser dropping out of warp and parking in an orbit around earth. For that matter, how are we going to explain a U.F.O (as they called them then) full of Klingons, Human's, a Vulcan, a Borg, a Caitian, a Trill, a little Trill alien's all to a paranoid world. The plot thickens. Till the next time my faithful log.


Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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