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First Day on Alpha Shift


Ensign Sheng-ji Marish


Stardate 0406.10


>Begin Log<


Sheng-ji ran his claws through his hair, stopping to scratch behind his ears. He walked to the replicator. “Coffee, black. Hot.”


Main Engineering was quite on his first day on Alpha shift, and for that he was happy. He had been on Beta shift for a few weeks and now he was proudly on Alpha shift—or should he say Deserted shift?


The replicator shimmered and a silver metallic cup materialized with steaming hot liquid in it. He took it in his hands and walked back to the main consol. As far as he could tell he was in command at the moment—a scary but rewarding thought none the less.


He took a sip of his coffee. It wasn’t that he liked the taste of the human drink—it was the smell he liked. The warm nutty aroma of the coffee beans filled his senses. A cup of coffee was something he had enjoyed every morning sense discovering the drink at the Academy.


It was lonely in engineering, only a few crewman were present, and they had kept their distance. The hum of the warp core was keeping him company though. Many times during Beta shift he had sat quietly working, just listening to the awesome power harnessed within the warp core.


He sat the cup down and picked up a PADD and started looking over today’s maintenance reports and schedules. A fairly routine day. One of the back up ODN conduits needed replaced on Deck 8. He figured he could do that. He sat the PADD down and started to grab an engineering kit, when Security and Medical Alarms began sounding.


So much for a quite day. He figured he’d better stay in Engineering—after all he was in charge—for now.


>End Log<

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