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Daryus' Log

Security officers log: Stardate 0406.02

The day started out with breckfast and sparring with Angie5. She's getting very talented with the blade. I love seeing her move. After a quick shower, I started my rounds. BcH had been shown to her quarters and Messner returned to the planet with Rhoz to retreave some personal items. My rounds went normally till I went to sickbay and met Kwalus. She warned me about the son's of BcH, telling me not to turn my back on them. I fully understood, they very powerful young Klingons and very untrusting of anyone other than their parents. I assured her I would be careful, but made the mistake of calling her commander. She VERY firmly corrected me. I begged forgivness and addressed her by her proper title, HoD. Went to engineering and met a Klingon engineer. He warned me not to burn my fur on the plasma conduits. I laughed, remembering the bald spots and scalds I got in academy. Met the ships Targ Rhogie for the first time. Freindly pup, did just like Shara's "paSlogh (socks)" and chomped down on my tail. OUCH. Was cool. I patted his spines and wrestled his ears. He was a happy Targ. After wiping the slobber off my aching tail, I was called to the shuttlebay to escort Messner to BcH's quarters. She and the two children wre happy to see them. Messner asked who I was and I told him I was from security. He was given his position as security chief back, and just when I was getting use to the big panel on the MeH and the big desk in security. Oh well. The young child Presley was there. Cute kid, but skiddish. He's never seen a Caitian before and I spooked him. He ran to sickbay and I gave chase. When I got to sickbay, I fixed him a big bowl of ice cream, which he proceded to throw a spoonful at me. He and I laughed. I fed the Targ a bowl of Gak. I know that's not usual Targ food, but I found a new friend. Went back to the Meh to monitor security for the rest of my shift. Meeting Angie in the morning for breakfast and some bat'leth bashing. Hmmmm wonder if she'd mind if I reprogrammed the holodeck for a full moonlit beach on Cait. No, my mind would deffinately not be on the bat'leth match but other forms of sparring. Ok I'll be a good kitty and go to bed now.


Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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