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Angie5 Personal Log

Starfleet Officer's Personal Log SD: 0405.30


My Starfleet log records are ready for submission to Hod/Captain Bch to be recorded on file for our voyage. My mornings consist of replicated caffine (coffee), a nutricious meal, and sparring with Daryus in the holedeck. My first actual spar was in Starfleet Academy, quite interesting I may add and as a child through adolescence before leaving to academy, I watched 20th century television as it is called and picked it up observing a klingon character who participated in the recording. That kitty cat is rather vicious at the task, not even the same species and I do show mutual feelings of attraction for him. Second to faith, I am greatful to him and Starfleet for my rescue from the collective.


I have been occupied by cleaning my quarters lately. The task is coming along nicely but challenging. I have no negative remarks, however. I have adjusted to the Qob and rather enjoy it. On a negative note, my efforts at recreation of "slop pool" degressed this evening as I did not win but did enjoy it. On a more positive note, my oponant is quite good at it and I am progressing, the game is coming along nicely.


Daryus has spoken with me on several occassions regarding the annomaly. I have assisted him with my knowledge and the data reports. I have only had his aquaintance and friendship for almost four earth months, but it does seem like a lifetime. I am pouring through reports on my table, as well as making notes of the data on the annomalies thus far to better assist the Chief of Science and looking for clues to this spacial phenomina that encounters me with fascination.


Daryus is finding the joys in being woken up at 0700 hours for duty. I say that with a chuckle and not sarcasm. He's fine with a catnip beverage, or is it bloodwine??....


I am adjusting adequately. It is early morning now. I will submit my logs to the Captain later today along with my chronicles. Onward to answer the fellow crewmen and make sufficient corrections on my quotation.


<----END LOG----->

Edited by lilvalleygirl

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