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Daryus' Log

Stardate 0405.12,

The day started out with a trip to the doc for my physical. Garnoopy wasn't in so Rhoz gave me the once over and pronounced me fit for duty. Was dreading it, but the doc gave me the least painful physical I've ever had. I did the reports and my rounds and found everything shipshape. The tremporal anomoly was getting worse and we had to find HoD Bch and Messner. I was chosen to pilot the shuttle to retreave them before the worst of the temporal spikes hit the planet. Rhoz and Kwalus didn't believe that the two would agree to come back to the ship so we were ordered to arm ourselves with Federation phasers set on heavy stun. Upon reaching the planet we were confronted by Bch and Messner with two others. Two young Klingon males. We had no idea where the other two had come from. My report from science said there was no other humanoid life on this planet. Seeing that Bch, Messner and the two Klingons were in a heated battle, we stunned the group. Rhoz, Van Roy and I carried them back to the shuttle and I piloted us back to the Qob. When we reached the ship, Angie5 (who had been monitoring our progess) opened the hanger doors to let us in. A security team met us and took Bch and Messner to sickbay and I escorted the Klingons to the Brig and put them into seperate cells. I'm still waiting for them to regain conciousness so we can interigate them. I have an odd feeling that the temporal anomaly may have created the two Klingons. But, how? I may talk to Angie about this and get her oppinion. I'm only a trigger happy security kitty, don't know much about science.

Well, must sign off now dear log and check on our guests. I don't know if they speak standard, so I'm brushing up on my Klingon. TTFN

Edited by DaryusZaphodDracal

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