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HoD Bch

Mission Summaries

0428: In an effort to null the temporal anomaly, the ship readies a torpedo with a choniton emitter. However, upon impact, a temporal shockwave blasts through space. When it dissipates, the Qob is intact and undamaged, however we notice that our long range scans are highly miscalibrated to our original scans of this area. The miscalibration varies in direction. In some scan directions the chronometers are off by years, in other directions by days...


0421: The Qob reaches the second anomaly, which is somewhat larger than the first. At this time, we also notice that our chronometers do not match previous long range scans for this region of space. They are off by several months. Kwalus orders the ship to return to the first anomaly to study it further for anything we may have missed. When we arrive, the chronometers are miscalibrated even more.


0404.14: Science investigates the anomaly (at a distance) and finds it to be a small region with temporal readings different from the surrounding space. However it appears to be stable in size and location. While the ship is stopped, the crew continues to bicker over their current command structure to the point where Kwalus and Rhoz consider force as the only way to gain their respect and compliance.


0404.07: Kwalus appoints Rhoz as her first officer and the Qob continues on course for home. Sensors pick up a minor temporal reading. Bch and Messner begin to explore their new respective homes.

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