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HoD Bch

Mission Summaries

0402.04: Medical determines that the Klingons from the Qo'lalth were not as they appeared. Their DNA appears to be a manipulation of unknown alien origin. It also appears to have shapeshifting properties. Although we cannot confirm contact with this species prior to finding their ship and stasis units, medical is nonetheless testing the entire crew for shapeshifting spies. We also do not know how they acquired or copied an entire Klingon ship and accurate history of the Qo'lalth.


Meanwhile, we continue on our course home and have detected no further signs of the Qo'lalth or other abnormalities.


0402.11: Medical continues to check blood samples of the crew for shapeshifters. Engineering sets a sonic burst to de-cohease any onboard to make them detectable by sensors. Nothing is detected. Messner and Garnoopy get into a slight tiff over treatment for a phaser wound.


0402.18: Long range scanners detect some minor temporal fluxuations, but not in the Qob's path. Internal scanners continue to search for the shapeshifters, but find none. Medical finishes blood tests on all the crew. Bch locates a nearby planet suitable for hunting and has science check it out. It looks fine and we set course.


0402.25: The crew hunts

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